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Inflammation, one of the leading health issues in recent times call for concern. Many plants used in the management and treatment of inflammation in various parts of Nigeria have not been properly harnessed hence this review. The result... more
The current operational practices in municipal solid waste landfills negatively impact environment due to uncontrolled land filling and other problems associated with solid waste disposal in developing countries. “Cover soil” application... more
The urban share of the Indian population jumped from 18% in 1961 to 31.16% in 2011 (Gupta et.al2013). This huge spurt in growth of the population is putting a huge demand on available land resource. Increasing population results in... more
Abstract  This study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, race, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altruism, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs about... more
Pyrethroid insecticides are widely used in agriculture and in homes. Despite the neurotoxicity of these insecticides at high doses, few studies have examined whether lower-level exposures could adversely affect children's... more
Mercury (Hg) is one of the most toxic heavy metals to living organisms and its conspicuous effect was inhibition of seedling growth. Twenty rice genotypes were grown under different Hg conditions to investigate the relative biomass of the... more
This study investigated the possible use of local cellulosic wastes for the cultivation of P. eryngii. For the propagation of the main culture, 2.0% malt-extract agar was used whereas wheat grains were used for the propagation of spawn.... more
This paper is in compliance with the given RCRANRM Module Assignment for the course subject and the topic where has to be presented based on the relevance of the question to a discussion on what are the characteristics of a well-designed... more
A review of sustainable development of bioenergy in Africa: An outlook for the future bioenergy industry
Farmer Terms of Trade (FTT) in this study is the margin between changes (%) in prices paid by the farmers for required agricultural inputs and prices received for per units of products. Number of farmers’ suicides in Maharashtra state of... more
Outside the Frame: A Critical Analysis of Urban Image Surveys Phoebe Crisman Aided by digital technology, designers and planners are making ever greater use of photographic images to depict and envision proposals for urban change. Yet,... more
Les boues de station d'épuration sont constituées de sédiments résiduaires issus des traitements des eaux usées. En France, chaque habitant génère environ 50 g de matières sèches de boues par jour et ces résidus représentent environ... more