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This paper provides a “non-extensive” information theoretic perspective on the relationship between risk and incomplete states uncertainty. Theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that a substitution effect between the latter two... more
We study the extent to which crashes in emerging market currencies are predictable using simple logit models based on lagged macroeconomic and financial data. To evaluate our model, we calculate trading strategies in which an investor... more
The following working document summarizes our work on the clustering of financial time series. It was written for a workshop on information geometry and its application for image and signal processing. This workshop brought several... more
Study of the impact of additive outliers on the calculation of risk measures.Comparison of 6 proposals to reduce outlier effects in GARCH-type model estimation.The presence of outliers affects seriously risk measure estimates.Our proposal... more
A wide range of definitions exists of what constitutes value creation and -generation in private equity buyouts. At the core of the problem is that our understanding of the diverse set of levers, drivers and mechanisms by which financial... more
This study examines the impact of macroeconomic factors on the capital structures of Nigerian quoted firms. The two-stage least squares (2SLS), GMM and GARCH estimation techniques reveal that corporate borrowing is a declining function of... more
This paper reports evidence to support a relationship between risk propensity, risk perception, and risk-taking behaviour of investors in an emerging market. Primary data were gathered using a validated structured questionnaire, which was... more
The paper evaluates the out-of-sample predictive potential of machine learning methods in the cross-section of international equity index returns using firm fundamentals and macroeconomic predictors. The relatively small number of equity... more
Resource-dependent economies in Sub-Saharan Africa are vulnerable to external shocks in the international commodity markets. In this paper, we investigate the financial markets channel through which these shocks are transmitted to the... more
This paper presents a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to estimate parameters and latent stochastic processes in the asymmetric stochastic volatility (SV) model, in which the Box-Cox transformation of the squared volatility... more
The development of the interaction of monetary indicators, foreign stocks, and the stock price index in the context of the dynamics of the relationship are discussed short and long term. The analysis technique used is cointegration... more
The first ever HEL model, using the data-sets of four (and to some extent another) companies. Prepayment, default, and aging / turnover behaviour which varied greatly by credit quality/FICO score.
The assessment of the comovement among international stock markets is of key interest, for example, for the international portfolio diversification literature. In this paper, we re-examine such comovement by resorting to a novel approach,... more
There are always conflicts of interest between managers (agents) and owners (leaders), but not necessarily the degree of disagreement. This is due to a conflict of interest or a division of responsibility. The purpose of this research is... more
Utilizing the entire population of public biotechnology firms from 1980-1994, three models were tested to determine if a relationship exists between the size and composition of the board of directors with performance. Results indicate... more