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The objective of this paper is to address concerns expressed by some of the author's followers-friends on the Facebook in the form of questions posed as to who the 'Guardian Hosts' are and what role they are playing with regard
Over the course of years, and as of more recently, many followers-friends of the author have been asking questions with reference to the Melchizedeks and their role in humanity-Earth Ascension. Below, you will find a sample of such... more
Soils containing rock fragments are widely distributed in the world. However, literature on the dynamic simulation of water movement in stony soils is scarce. In this paper, a dual-porosity model was used to simulate water infiltration... more
I was appalled when I read a report in Nature last year about proposals by the Indian government to encourage universities to teach astrology (Nature 411, 227; 200110.1038/35077282), but never thought that anything similar might occur in... more