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This article deals with a key constraint on the ability of African colonial states to tax international trade. In the Congo Free State and Belgian Congo, tariff policies were always the result of a difficult balancing act. On the one... more
Western imaginings and colonially scripted images of the Congo as barbaric, savage and the Heart of Darkness have dominated understandings of events in the DRC since its colonial inception (Dunn 2003). The contemporary global focus on... more
The collapse of the state and its erosion from below by warlords and militias, informal markets, networks of solidarity based on ethnicity and alternative forms of social organisation on the one hand and a greater awareness of the role... more
The story of how King Leopold II of Belgium conquered and transformed the Congo into his own private kingdom and the atrocities that were committed there.
Article publié dans le numéro 4 de la revue Minorit'art : "Où sont les nouveaux exotismes de l’art contemporain ?", pp.138-167.
Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies offers a new comprehension of colonial history from below by taking remnants of individual agencies from a whiteness studies perspective. It highlights the experiences and perceptions of colonisers and... more
L'impitoyable Léopold pilla-t-il le Congo avec violence pour assouvir sa soif de pouvoir, de prestige et d’argent ? Ou bien faut-il nuancer ce tableau ? Comment le Congo a-t-il été administré et exploité en pratique ? La violence... more
Much against the advice of his military counsellors about static fortifications being obsolete in an age and continent of gunboat diplomacy, the Belgian king Leopold II took a resolute stand. Holding on to the doctrine of positional... more
The Congo Free State is generally considered as the personal property of King Leopold II, over which he ruled as absolute monarch. Similarly blame was put on those responsible for mass violence triggered by the harvesting and processing... more
Colonization fundamentally reconfigured African space and hence fundamentally restructured the lives of Africans. In order to control local populations, resources, and markets, European colonizers drew borders, established centers of... more
The "Domaine de la Couronne" is known in the history of the Congo Free State as the symbol of Leopold II's lucre and the violence associated with it. However, the foundation and purpose of this Ancien Régime-type institution is more... more
Omdat de Koning aangevallen wordt voor de gruwelijkheden in Kongo, is het opmerkelijk de snelle afkeer vast te stellen door een groot deel van de Belgische publieke opinie gedurende het laatste decennium. Deze eenvoudige vaststelling... more
Even though the (official) legacy of King Leopold II’s reign remains controversial in Belgium, the violent and deadly history of the Congo Free State (CFS) is well established and documented. We are equally well informed about the influx... more
Petit, Pierre, 2018. « Kipona caryatid seat. Bowl bearer ", in Julien Volpers (ed.), Unrivalled art. Spellbinding artefacts, pp. 64-67. Tervuren : Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale.
Version française de : « Stanley and Conrad, founders of Alternative Discourses about Central Africa », in Remembering Africa. Edited by Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi. Portsmouth (NH) : Heinemann, Studies in African Literature, 2002, 339 p. ;... more
The Congo Free State is generally considered as the personal property of King Leopold II, over which he ruled as absolute monarch. Similarly blame was put on those responsible for mass violence triggered by the harvesting and processing... more
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) and Antjie Krog’s Country of My Skull (1998) are two entirely different stories written almost exactly 100 years apart, in a global environment that had monumentally changed from days of telegraph... more
This paper deals with Gustave Moynier's implication in Free State Congo and his surprising silence facing Congo's massacres (in French)
The Congo Free State regime of King Leopold II of Belgium was undoubtfully one of the worst crimes in human history. An African Holocaust was committed, in which 10 million innocent lives were destroyed, under the false pretext of... more
Revista dedicada  a la difusión sobre los acontecimientos dados en el Estado Libre del Congo
The pioneering scope of the Congo Reform Movement as first international humanitarian campaign of the 20th century has been rightfully acknowledged by now, yet its commitment to racism and colonialism tends to be trivialized. This paper... more
Este artigo busca compreender alguns aspectos da comercialização de “fetiches” entre os Bateke e a expedição de Frederick Starr na estação de Leopoldville no ano de 1905, utilizando como fontes dois dos diários de campo redigidos por... more
In my paper I discussedthe development of the construction of individual whiteness amongst female colonials after these women moved to either the Belgian - the Congo Free State - or the German colony - German East Africa - in sub-Saharan... more
Les études historiques sur la colonisation belge en Afrique centrale demeurent méconnues du grand public voire du monde scientifique. Cet ouvrage collectif rassemble les travaux de chercheurs qui souhaitent dépasser les images et les... more
"Les études historiques sur la colonisation belge en Afrique centrale demeurent méconnues du grand public voire du monde scientifique. Cet ouvrage collectif rassemble les travaux de chercheurs qui souhaitent dépasser les images et... more
In Bezug auf den Organisationsgrad, den Mobilisierungserfolg und die diskursive Reichweite gilt die Kongo-Reformbewegung (1890-1913) gegen Gewalt und Willkür im Kongo-Freistaat zu Recht als erste große internationale... more