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Although the notion that Slavic mythology included an afterlife that was geographically distributed through an otherworld has occasionally been questioned due to the lack of necessary sources, this article aims to cast light on a set of... more
Walking an unexplored path, Huiwen Helen Zhang contextualizes Kafka’s pithy and cryptic parable, “Wish, to Become Indian,” in his transplantation of Daoist philosophy—an astonishing cross-cultural enigma that Zhang terms “Kafka’s Dao”—and... more
The political reality of many countries in the Muslim World is untenable and reforms and change is absolutely necessary. This article argues that use of force and violence for political change is making things worse as one can witness in... more
This volume explores aspects of yoga over a period of about 2500 years. In its first part, it investigates facets of the South Asian and Tibetan traditions of yoga, such as the evolution of posture practice, the relationship between yoga... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze both sections of Clement of Alexan‐ dria’s Protrepticus (1, 2‐5) and Eusebius of Caesarea’s Laus Constantini (14, 5) in which the Christian authors allude to the figure of Orpheus in light of the... more
The "Eye of the Heart" is the faculty by which we can apprehend spiritual reality. Due to modern Western psychology’s rejection of its metaphysical roots, this potential has been largely eclipsed in us. This has fractured our relationship... more
Rize'de geleneksel sağaltıcılık uygulamalarında iki şifacı kişilik öne çıkar. Bu iki özne, bir annenin ilk çocuğu ile bir annenin son çocuğudur. Doğuştan sağaltma gücüne sahip ve eli uğurlu kabul edilen ana siftesi ile ana küçüğü, halk... more
Summary: This dispatch covers Ekwensu and its relation to Yeshua. Other mythological and metaphorical figures and forces mentioned at least briefly includeMoses, Aganju, Khebioso, Inyonyi-Yezulu, Esu, Khonsu, Osiris, Egbesu, Bast. These... more
This paper explores a Historical-Redemptive and Polemical understanding of Genesis 1 which interprets this highly disputed passage as polemical presentation of a glorious God against the backdrop of other pagan conceptions of deity.
This is the Ph.D. dissertation done in 1968 at the University of Wisconsin. It represents work done nearly 50 years ago without the aid of a computer or even an electric typewriter. The work attempts to show the changes in a Buddhist... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more
Il ver sacrum ritrae una peculiare tipologia di meccanismo votivo, ben conosciuta nelle fonti dell’Italia centro-meridionale preromana. Si trattava di un impegno solenne assunto dai componenti di un gruppo sociale nei confronti di una... more
This paper explores the concept of ‘Circum-Baltic mythology’ as an outcome of long-term contacts between cultures in the Baltic Sea region. Regional variations in the mythology of a culture are approached as “dialects” and the mythologies... more
This is an editorial Introduction to a Special Issue of Religions online, co-edited with Dr. Sthaneshwar Timalsina of San Diego State University. We also co-wrote this Introduction. The essays in this issue examine various uses of... more
Since ancient times celestial thunder gods have been a familiar feature in mythologies throughout the Indo-European language area. Their Irish counterpart, the Dagda, is a major personage at the centre of the Mythological Cycle, and his... more
This dissertation analyzes how the worship of traditional Yoruba deities has now become a modern “religion,” but was previously understood and practiced very differently. A growing body of research emphasizes how the concept of “religion”... more
The native English Heathen religion had a cult in which the pinnacle and most important deity was its Earth Goddess. Also, that cult was the most important in the religion, and many people continued to think of themselves as the Earth... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
This article addresses the experiences and fates of Jewish scholars in Indology. It asks whether these scholars were sufficiently aware of Indology's anti-Semitic bias or were also playing the institutional game of othering and... more
Inscriptions from the New Kingdom relate that the Great Sphinx was regarded as an image of Horemakhet. In this study we focus on the religious meaning of Horus in the Akhet in the context of the Heliopolitan Cosmogony, as well as the... more
Agama merupakan satu unsur utama yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Walaupun keperluan beragama ini adalah hak individu dan pilihan hidup masing-masing, akan tetapi sehingga kini perbincangan yang mendalam berkenaan kehidupan... more
Hermann, Pernille, Stephen A. Mitchell, Jens Peter Schjødt, and Amber J. Rose, eds. 2017. Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives. Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, 3. Cambridge MA: Harvard University... more
Tem sido unânime na bibliografia especializada o reconhecimento da função inspiradora exercida por um "livrinho" castelhano, intitulado Differença d'a Christandade, para o início do processo de tradução da primeira versão regular da... more
A Contemporary English Translation of Loka Táttu, the second of the two part Faroese tale of Loki, showing him as a benevolent god.
Tantric Agamas, considered to be divine revelation, are in dialogical format. In their monistic philosophy, Abhinavagupta and Ksemaraja exploit this unique aspect of Agamas and apply it to address the nature of the self that is identical... more
In consultation with the publisher (Springer), I here provide the appendices of the book (authored together with Daniel Bellingradt) Magical Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe. The Clandestine Trade in Illegal Book Collections, [New... more
"The purpose of this article is to determine the extent, if any, of schismatic Christian influences on the Qur’an’s misunderstanding about the nature of Christ. It will identify the dissonant Christian groups present in Arabia at the time... more
Though commonly thought of as an Arab, the Islamic prophet was actually an Arabized person of only partial Arab descent.  It was his non-Arab lineage that distinguished his tribe- the Quraish- and gave them leadership over the Arabs.
Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), born and educated in Poland, helped to establish British social anthropology. His classic monographs on the Trobriand Islanders were published between 1922 and 1935, when he was a professor of... more
Parallels between the spiritual paths of Theravāda Buddhists and Discalced Carmelites have long been observed, although not satisfactorily explained. This study contributes to objectively clarifying the similarities and differences... more
This paper picks up where some of my other papers left off. That is, it is a supplement. And yet, it also serves as an overview. To better understand this paper, please read my other papers regarding the ancient royal oligarchy and the... more