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While the canonical literature on oil wealth suggests that hydrocarbon windfalls encourage repressive despotism, Kuwait provides a case of an oil-rich autocracy governing instead through popular rentierism-that is, through a broad... more
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
This is a review of my co-edited volume by Gianluca Passarelli, political scientist at Sapienza University in Rome.
Graphical user interfaces design in software development process focuses on maximizing usability and the user's experience, in order to make the interaction for users easy, flexible and efficient. In this paper, we propose an approach... more
At the foundation of every scientific study must lie a clear definition of what is being studied. Such a definition of key concepts is reached through the process of conceptualization, to which there exist two main approaches: the... more
Significant variation in the institutions and efficiency of public bureaucracies across countries and regions are observed. These differences could be partially responsible for divergence in the effectiveness of policy implementation,... more
N. Wouters Mayoral Collaboration under Nazi Occupation in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, 1938-46 This book explores the role of mayors in navigating the realities of living and governing under Nazi occupation. In Western Europe... more
This is Chapter 1 of the New Handbook of Political Sociology. Andy Clarno and I envision the piece as a three-fold intervention to the theory of power in political sociology. First, as a preliminary point, we document the general drift of... more
This paper adds a different dimension to the educational borrowing, lending, and transfer literature by examining the consequences of educational reforms that are implemented under dictatorships and their lasting impacts. In using Tunisia... more
[published in Routledge's "Philosophy and Method in the Social Sciences" series] This study starts from a simple premise: human practices are a fundamental constituent — arguably “the” fundamental constituent — of social reality. It... more
Editorial escrito para a revista Temporalidades apresentando o dossiê homônimo. As primeiras nove páginas constituem uma discussão teórica sobre perspectivas historiográficas que abordam experiências comparativas e transfronteiriças.
Are large landowners, especially those engaged in labor-dependent agriculture, detrimental to democratization and subsequent democratic survival? This assumption is at the heart of both canonical and recent influential work on regime... more
A non-invasive blood glucose monitoring system with six laser diodes is used to obtain a total of 290 NIR spectra from the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) experiment with the participation of a healthy volunteer over 4 days. Each laser... more
Mystery, as viewed by the society, is usually stated by an outsider in a certain locality who sees unusual occurrence thus, series of inquiry is rolled down to seek for understanding of a phenomenon that cannot be answered by science... more
This paper proposes and illustrates a framework for analysis of the recent events in Middle Eastern and North African countries (the so-called Arab Spring) by bringing into dialogue recent theoretical advances in democratization theory... more
INTRODUCTION: In dominant Western public discourses, ‘female circumcision’ and ‘genital cosmetic surgery’ (FGCS) are considered very different types of bodily practices. However, only a few studies have tried to assess the validity of... more
This article takes a closer look at the internal evolution of the North Korean political system and how it has been subjugated to the personalist regime of the Kim family. The author argues that North Korea should no longer be perceived... more
This volume presents the first systematic comparative analysis of national traditions of local democracy across the developed world, as well as their origins and evolution. It reveals how inclusive local institutions that integrate... more
History's epistemological dilemma equally applies to sociology: how can we make claims about persons, events, and processes on the basis of archival records? This article develops a framework called Life on File that combines sociological... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
No scientist brings more experience from the laboratory and field, none thinks more deeply about social issues or addresses them with greater clarity, than Jared Diamond as illustrated by Guns, Germs, and Steel. In this remarkably... more
Annexation and the Unhappy Valley: The Historical Anthropology of Sindh’s Colonization addresses the nineteenth century expansion and consolidation of British colonial power in the Sindh region of South Asia. It adopts an... more
In historical institutional analysis, critical junctures are rare moments in the development of an institution or a policy. Due to endogenous or exogenous disruptions, during critical junctures there is a substantial increase in the... more
Recent research shows that colonialism reversed levels of development in much of the non-European world. To explain this reversal , analysts focus on conditions within the colonized areas. By contrast, drawing on evidence from Spanish and... more
This contribution interprets the east-central European post-liberal governments’ recent anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-human-rights hysteria in the context of the increasing dependence of the region’s societies for livelihood on... more
Alexander Barder (International Relations, Florida International University) interviews Richard Steigmann-Gall (History, Kent State) about the utility of Fascism as a category of analysis for the field of International Relations; of how... more
An introduction of a forthcoming volume on comparative metaethics. The chapters in the volume offer lessons for contemporary metaethics drawn from thinkers ranging from ancient Egypt to Susan Sontag. In this introduction, I summarize the... more
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
While acknowledging the many forms and contributions of multi-method research (MMR), we examine the costs of treating it as best practice and as a means to neutralize method-specific weaknesses and increase external validity for findings.... more
Η προσχολική αγωγή διεθνώς: σταθμοί, πολιτικές, διακυβεύματα Η ιστορία της προσχολικής αγωγής στην Ελλάδα όπως και σε πολλές δυτικές χώρες είναι ένα διαρκές μπρος-πίσω με τεράστιες, συχνά γρήγορα ξεχασμένες, προσδοκίες. Ο στόχος του... more
''India, Modernity and the Great Divergence is an original and pioneering book about India’s transition towards modernity and the rise of the West. The work examines global entanglements alongside the internal dynamics of 17th to 19th... more
Four-centuries-long encounters between the Ottoman Empire and the Grand Duchy of Muscovy/Russian Empire point to complex relations that have been triggered and defined mostly by territorial, trade disputes, and wars, and maintained by... more
На Меѓународната научна конференција „Климентовото дело“ којашто се одржа на 23 и 24 јуни 2016 година во Штип во организација на Филолошкиот факултет и Факултетот за образовни науки при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип професорите Толе... more
Why did cycling become professional as early as the late nineteenth century, while other sports (such as rugby) and other sport events (such as the Olympic Games) remained amateur until the 1980s? Why are the organizers of the most... more
Entre los siglos XV y XVIII, aproximadamente 50.000 personas fueron ejecutadas en Europa tras ser culpadas del crimen de brujería. Entre los actos por los que fueron castigadas se incluían la utilización de magia nociva, el... more
L’ancien royaume Kongo a non seulement donné son nom au fleuve et aux deux pays modernes dont ce cours d’eau constitue une frontière naturelle, mais aussi à la langue bantoue qui fut et est toujours parlée sur son territoire. Ce qui est... more