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Traditionally, the American child welfare system intervenes in cases of evident and severe maltreatment. Families in need of help, but who have not reached a crisis, are excluded from typical services. Some suggest that if these families... more
This article reflects on how the diversity discourse in an undergraduate classroom can be enhanced by paying attention to particularities such as the location and mission of the educational institution, the identity of the teacher, and... more
To evaluate and characterize the racial/ethnic differences in obstetric outcomes of early and late teenagers in California. A data-set linking birth and death certificates with maternal and neonatal hospital discharge records in... more
This ethnographic study of interpretations of stress among hospital social workers reveals concrete ways in which institutional systems take form in the mundane actions and interpretations of individuals embedded in these systems. It also... more
Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a serious complication associated with bisphosphonate therapy, but its epidemiology in the setting of oral bisphosphonate therapy is poorly understood. The present study examined the prevalence of ONJ in... more
To examine patient preferences for age-,gender-, and racial/ethnic-concordant primary care physicians. Focus group interviews. Forty-nine adults (African Americans, Caucasians, and Latinos) receiving their outpatient medical care in... more
Key Words: dental caries, preschool, racdethnicity, Head Start, socioeconomic status, feeding practices. ... California is among the most popu-lated and ethnically diverse states in the country. It is also among the states with the lowest... more
To evaluate the accuracy of sonographic classification of chorionicity in a large cohort of twins and investigate which factors may be associated with sonographic accuracy. We conducted a secondary analysis of a randomized trial of... more
To better understand the extent that empirically supported and promising substance abuse treatment approaches are implemented in community settings, treatment providers were surveyed regarding their perceptions and use of several... more
The subspecies composition of migratory sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) which stage and winter along the Lower Columbia River in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington is uncertain, but may include all 3 using the Pacific Flyway:... more