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CRuX - Missing Origin Level Data - starting Sept 2024

I have noticed that the origin data for www(dot)halfords(dot)com is missing since 10th September 2024, there is no redirect in the URL and there is more than sufficient traffic on the website. ...
Abhishek Singh Bais's user avatar
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Why does PageSpeed Insights report a large "Other" in Minimize main-thread work?

Running a report on via, I get back a result for desktop with a multiple-second-long Total Blocking Time and a recommendation to Minimize main-...
Matt Cowley's user avatar
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Stripe' hCaptcha affects page speed

I am loading stripe via regular script tag - <script src=""></script>. When doing a page speed test at I get crazy high script ...
fluxus's user avatar
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Why is the Mobile Render Delay so high for the LCP (Largest contentful paint)

With Lighthouse / Google Pagespeed I get a really high "Render delay" when testing for mobile. For desktop everything is all good. Tested this in a clean browser with lighthouse. Get the ...
Silver's user avatar
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How can I optimize the performance of a static site while minimizing the impact of third-party scripts?

How can I optimize the performance of a static site while minimizing the impact of third-party scripts? Problem Statement: I need to optimize my static site’s performance according to Lighthouse/...
Abhishek Singh's user avatar
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Why is my Load Delay really high for my LCP in mobile?

I am tweaking my site using PSI and am having an LCP issue. I've tried adding preload, resizing images, nothing ...
user1434702's user avatar
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Google PageSpeed Throws a Largest Contentful Paint Error but Search Console Says It's Fine?

The mobile version of my escape room's web site,, is showing on Google's Search Console --> Core Web Vitals as "Good URL"s overall, with the home page ...
ethanjrt's user avatar
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Difference between PageSpeed ​Insights and Web Vitals browser plug-in

I measure the LCP indicator of the website page PageSpeed ​​Insights: LCP 4+ Web Vitals browser plug-in: LCP 2 or less All measurements show ...
Sartakov Dmytro's user avatar
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how to use image lazyload on AMP blog using amp-script? I've tried it but the image still won't appear even though my amp is valid 100% full green

how to use image lazyload on AMP blog using amp-script? I've tried it but the image still won't appear even though my amp is valid 100% full green, do you have any suggestions for this problem? My ...
Wawang Setiawan's user avatar
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Googe AMP pages are showing error in Google Page Speed Insight

We are getting couple of errors from Google AMP pages on Pagespeed Insight Values assigned to role="" are not valid ARIA roles. [aria-hidden="true"] elements contain focusable ...
Swaarnim Ayurveda's user avatar
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Pagespeed: problem with "initial-scale" - Does not have a <meta name="viewport"> tag with width or initial-scale

I am working on a site that has a meta viewport tag with an initial-scale value of 0.8. The full tag is here: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=0.8,...
Mhatma's user avatar
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Largest Contentful Paint element 5,400 ms on mobile but I dont know what to do

I am developing a website for a client, but I am not an expert in web development (I am more of a front end person). My site is loading slowly on mobile
Linlin Liangliang's user avatar
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How to Get Rid of Unnecessary JavaScript in the Coverage Tab After Building and Running Your Gridsome App

Summary: I'm utilizing Gridsome alongside Bootstrap to craft a fully personalized and content-rich website. Here's an outline: I retrieve content from Strapi and generate HTML files during the ...
Abhishek Singh's user avatar
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Google Pagespeed Insights not detailing performance issues

I tested a website today 4/10/24 and Google Pagespeed Insights is not longer detailing all the performance issues on the site. There is no Performance section on any url I tested. The first detail ...
Kevin Justus's user avatar
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Improving the LCP for Speed Optimization of my website

I have been diving into getting my page speed scores up to snuff, and I have run into a snag when it comes to how Google is measuring my LCP metric. No matter what I seem to do, this metric is always ...
ChrisMys's user avatar

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