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Add-ons / plugins for android application in play console

Suppose I have an application for both android or ios which has splash screen containing earth image and launcher icon and app name and all other fetaures to show contents regarding particular ...
Atul Sharma's user avatar
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Is there any way to using UICollectionViewCell's self-sizing only in vertical direction?

I am writing a demo about the difference using compositional layout & traditional flow layout with UICollectionView . I found that If I wanna the cell's width equal to the UICollectionView's width ...
ximmyxiao's user avatar
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How to Apply Gradient to a Specific Word in a Sentence Without Splitting String Resources in SwiftUI or UIKit?

I want to make an app that supports both English and Japanese, and I need to display a sentence where a specific word (e.g., "Apple") with a gradient color. Here are the requirements: I want ...
Yuuu's user avatar
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How to use iOS UIPasteboard to copy a data file from iOS Simulator to Mac Finder?

Need easy way for users to export a data file from iOS Simulator to use on their Mac file system. Drag and drop from Mac Finder to iOS Simulator Files app works but there isn't a files app drag and ...
dvossCricut's user avatar
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How can I get a user's location when my iOS app is killed or terminated in Swift?

I've been trying to retrieve the user's location while the app is terminated or killed, but haven't had any luck so far. I've implemented the usual approaches for background location updates, but they ...
Pankaj Dhameliya's user avatar
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air-lld:1:1 symbol(s) not found after upgrading to XCode 16

I'm attempting to build my project after upgrading to XCode 16 and am having trouble getting it to compile. When I attempt to build the project I get an error: air-lld:1:1 symbol(s) not found for ...
aferriss's user avatar
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Why isn't C++ Lambdas and IOS Blocks Fully Associative?

I am new to IOS programming, and am learning about blocks and lambdas. In my research on blocks and c++ lambdas I read that essentially lambdas can replace blocks because they can do pretty much the ...
Mark F. Sanderson's user avatar
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Flutter app_links Universal deep links not returning in URI stream listen. Not navigating to route in app only opens to dashboard

I have this working in android, it navigates to the page deep in the app but still running into issues on ios. I want to navigate to certain routes in my app with a link, it opens up my app in ios ...
poomulus's user avatar
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SwiftUI List elements not registering onTapGesture after ios 18 upgrade?

I have a list that searches through a nutrition api and displays the search result in a list. Up until upgrading to ios 18, everything worked flawlessly. Now, when the list is created, sometimes the ...
Adariel Lzinski's user avatar
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How change the background color of the app in MAUI for iOS18

I have my .NET8 MAUI application with my logo. With the release of iOS 18, most of the icons can change the background colour based on the dark mode of the iPhone. I was wondering if with MAUI it is ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Error (Xcode): 'SpeechToTextPlugin' has different definitions in different modules;

I upgraded my Mac to Sequoia and XCode 16 yesterday and ever since cannot build my Flutter app anymore. I got a bunch of error messages which led me to upgrade all my packages, re-install cocoa pods ...
biodegradablePotatoChip's user avatar
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package for swift, cannot find x in scope

I followed a few guides online showing how to create a package for swift, I created a repo at our gitlab and added the tags so I could import it properly into other projects, all that seemed to work ...
Neglected Sanity's user avatar
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iOS SwiftUI - frame size ignored when trying to resize GIF image

import SwiftUI import PhotosUI import AVKit import Swime import WebKit struct GifImage: UIViewRepresentable { enum URLType { case local(String) case remote(URL?) var url: ...
TheGreatCornholio's user avatar
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iOS : Per App Content Filter deployment through Intune

I am testing Per App Content Filter(iOS 16 onwards) feature for iOS. Per App Content Filter entitlements can run on a managed device only. Hence these entitlements must be pushed through MDM. Apple ...
Desert Rose's user avatar
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Embed custom SwiftUI views inside SwiftUI Text

I know in SwiftUI you can concatenate Text with other Text and also with Image but can this be done using custom views? For example I want to have buttons from time to time inside big paragraphs.
Boyan Pavlov's user avatar

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