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How to optimise subqueries in BigQuery views

I have a table that contains tons of nested columns as well as repeated columns. I use a BQ view on top of it that does some transformations. For example, something like this: view1: SELECT nested....
gagou7's user avatar
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How can I calculate the time difference between two timestamps in PostgreSQL when they span different days?

I'm working with BigQuery to analyze bike trip data and each trip has a start_time and end_time in timestamp format. I want to calculate the time difference between these two timestamps, but some ...
Sergio Sagastume's user avatar
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Volatile(Temp) Tables in BQ

I am trying to find a way to create Volatile/Temp tables in BQ as we can do in Teradata. I tried begin/end and it worked but cant access the temp table via select * just after running it as getting ...
Animesh Jain's user avatar
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Query a table with the table name as variable

I'm building some dashboards in Looker Studio that require 3 of the GA4 daily tables that get added each day from the sync between GA4 and BigQuery. I want to query those specific tables, as we've ...
Matthew Medlyn's user avatar
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Query in multiple tables when can't use _TABLE_SUFFIX?

I tried query across multiple tables but _TABLE_SUFFIX doesn't work in my case. I want caculate across multiple tables which have name like: 01_2021, 01_2022, 01_2023, 01_2024, ... 12_2020, 12_2021, ...
Minh Nguyễn Vũ Quang's user avatar
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Discrepancy in totalUsers Metric between Google Analytics and API Integration

I’ve been struggling for days to integrate Google Analytics with Power BI. Here’s what I’ve tried so far: Linkind via BigQuery: It creates a table per day in Power BI, which isn’t suitable for my ...
Mateus Cardoso's user avatar
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Import notebook within other notebook

I have a notebook in BQ studio (eg "Utils") with some functions, classes etc that I'd like to refer in another notebook (eg "MyNotebook"). I've tried importnb and other similar ...
elfersi's user avatar
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Create parent groups from child data grouped into ranges

I have several columns. Each has it's own grouping of consecutive sequences. I would like to create a parent group based on those smaller groups. The following is a small example of what I am ...
Paul M's user avatar
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Count repeating character dynamically

This is a follow-up question. I have these 2 column with repeating characters: 'aaaaaa' 'bbbb' 'cccdef'. Result: aaaaaa: 6 bbbb: 4 cccdef: 3 I need to dynamically find how many times the character ...
Myrna Alba's user avatar
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PowerBI currently broken with BigQuery: Simba driver issue with windows update

I've been happily using PowerBI on Windows 11 with BigQuery for several weeks. After an update of Windows 11 today, I'm now getting this error: Unable to Connect: Details: "The 'Driver' property ...
Dr Joe's user avatar
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Google Analytic data that are not synced on Big Query

I need some advice regarding GA4 data. We’re reporting GA4 numbers for 2023 using the GA frontend, where we can access the full year’s data. However, in BigQuery, our data only starts from ‘2023-06-12,...
Asad Nawaz's user avatar
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Syntax problems with EXTRACT and DATE

Bigquery suggest me 'EXTRACT' funtion syntax: extract(datetime_part FROM timestamp_expr [AT TIME ZONE tz_spec]) However, Bigquery notice "Unexpected keyword AT". Moreover, it's syntax in ...
Minh Nguyễn Vũ Quang's user avatar
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How can I query GCP BigQuery from SSIS?

We have recently transitioned from Teradata EDW to GCP BigQuery and I am modifying an SSIS package to query the data from GCP. My Data Flow is returning 0 rows. The query runs successfully in the ...
JoeFoster's user avatar
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Error upgrading Dataproc Serverless version from 2.1 to 2.2

I have changed the version of a Dataproc Serverless from 2.1 to 2.2 and now when I run it I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org....
Chaos's user avatar
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Flagging a row in new column based on conditions on previous and current rows

I have a items_invoiced table I have ordered that invoice table based on service id and invoice date so you will see groups of invoice_items that have renew peridically, every month. year. etc. ...
Francisco Cortes's user avatar

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