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Proper way of implementing Auth Guard in Flutter App with auto_route

Well, in my application it uses riverpod and autoroute and unfortunately I have a problem with guard here. I would like my app to display DashboardPage if isAuthenticated == true and WelcomePage ...
bleiddze's user avatar
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Flutter auto_route failing to generate routes after v6 upgrade

I'm working on a legacy project that I took over. It uses auto_route and auto_route_generator to handle routes. It was previously on version 5.x.x and I'm am attempting to update it to version 6.0.0 ...
Mason Bradford's user avatar
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Auto Route Rebuilds Current Route on App Rebuild - How to Prevent Unnecessary Rebuilds in My App?

Description: I'm encountering an issue with auto_route in my Flutter app, where the current route is unnecessarily rebuilt, leading to an error due to missing arguments. The scenario involves a ...
Mahmoud Mourad's user avatar
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How would one implement observing Tab changes with auto_route to be tracked by Sentry in Flutter

I'm trying to implement sentry into my code base. Following the documentation I'm supposed to use SentryNavigationObserver() and pass it into MaterialApp() like so: routerConfig: _appRouter....
tpko's user avatar
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Black screen issue while using Auto route deep linking

I'm trying to integrate deeplinking from email in our app. I have a login screen where I can give forgot my password and it will send an email with deeplink. So I can click that link and it will ...
sridhar venkatesan's user avatar
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On dialog pop + page pop after unawaited async method ('!_debugLocked': is not true.) - auto_route

I've migrated my code from flutter navigator to a auto route navigator and I'm facing an issue on dialog pop. I open a dialog and wait its response to decide if I should pop or not my current page. ...
Heropolis Da2ny's user avatar
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Flutter AutoRoute nested navigation moving back and forth between pages

I've been struggling with this for some time now. I am using the Flutter AutoRoute package to handle navigation, and I have an AutoTabsRouter for the bottom navigation bar. I have multiple tabs, each ...
ShkarAhmad's user avatar
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Flutter auto-router can not created by command

flutter part '' not creating with command. should i create myself manually I'm currently using Mac and i export path but now working. I tried flutter pub run build_runner build --...
kariderenu's user avatar
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auto_route popUntil isn't working with nested routes

I noticed such issue with following AppRouter: @AutoRouterConfig() class AppRouter extends _$AppRouter { AppRouter({super.navigatorKey}); @override List<AutoRoute> get routes => [ ...
Egor Grischenkov's user avatar
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Declarative router conversion for flutter

anyone know how to change this declarative example from go_router to auto_route? i want nested navigation in bottomsheet and trying to implement this package smooth_sheets the example using go_router ...
Eric Low's user avatar
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Flutter auto_route with deeplink before authentication event

When application started,AuthCheck event always only run after deepLinkBuilder, therefore couldn't get the authentication result in AuthGuard. How to ensure AuthCheck has already completed before ...
Eric Low's user avatar
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OrderRouteArgs can not be null because the corresponding page has a required parameter

I'm new to flutter and am picking up an app someone else created. I am getting the error: "OrderRouteArgs can not be null because the corresponding page has a required parameter" when trying ...
plushay's user avatar
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Replacing go_router with auto_route in widget tests

I previously used go_router for navigation on the project, and now I am replacing it with aout_route. Everything works fine except tests, I have the following ones: extension PumpApp on WidgetTester { ...
Joe's user avatar
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Flutter AutoTabsScaffold Failed to navigate to specific route

I have home page which includes different pages inside it, app can navigate to every other page except VolunteerDasboardRoute. I don't know why, first it initializes HomeRoute then it should ...
Emirhan Selim Uzun's user avatar
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Flutter auto_route issue with super.key property

auto_route: ^8.1.3 auto_route_generator: ^8.0.0 build_runner: ^2.4.11 Could someone point me how to exclude "key" argument from build_runner. I try to create route with single required ...
V.Tur's user avatar
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