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From the publisher's website: This complete history of witchcraft from Ancient Greece to the present day charts the rise and development of witchcraft and the modern witchcraft religion of Wicca. Today witchcraft is on everyone's lips,... more
From the publisher's website: Five hundred years ago the legend was born of a man who sold his soul to the Devil for power, wealth and women. It is a legend that has inspired genius and still inspires high art and popular culture... more
It is an age of spiritual hunger, economic collapse, war and prophecies of doom. Europe is locked in a battle against militant Islam. The market is in freefall, collapsing under the weight of financiers’ promises, who like alchemists... more
This thesis attempts to solve a problem within current explanations of modern Witchcraft and, more broadly, neo-Paganism. Witchcraft has been described as an example of re-enchantment, but re-enchantment itself is either inadequately... more
This paper examines current levels of belief in the Western personification of evil, known as the Devil. Areas covered include Catholicism, Wicca, Satanism, as well as the views of the general public. Also includes an account of a Black... more
[Beliefs and practices concerning the idea of the external soul in folklore and magic] The Horcrux is a gruesome mystery at the heart of the later Harry Potter books. In 'How To Make A Horcrux' we will go where Magick Moste Eville... more
The history of the Devil from his beginnings in Judaic mythology to his further role in Christian theology. Excerpt The priest approaches the bed, a smile on his face. His words are kindly as he addresses the girl bound to the bed... more
From the publisher's website: The perfect introduction to the world of all things eerie, inexplicable and otherworldly. From Most Haunted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from Underworld to Twilight, from Doom to Resident Evil, The Brief... more
Harry Potter was banned. Harry Potter was burnt. Why was the religious reaction to JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series so strong? Why did it seem like we were again about to relive the witch hunts of the late sixteenth and seventeenth... more
In the eighteenth century medical investigations of alleged vampires were conducted by military surgeons serving in the Habsburg army in Serbia. Their reports seemed to confirm the existence of the vampire to the general astonishment of... more
Concerns the conceptualisation of unknown aerial phenomena, the role of rumour in modern media and the verification of sources.
In 1725 Frombald, the Imperial Provisor of the Gradisker District of the Holy Roman Empire, received a deputation of villagers from ‘Kisolova’, thought to be modern Kisiljevo in what is now the Republic of Serbia. The villagers were in a... more
This paper explored the development of the Faustian Pact, looking at how the Renaissance magician Faustus came to be condemned as having made a pact with the Devil, and how this condemnation itself came to be a pattern for magical... more
The 'witch' branding of children in the UK, particularly London, is on the increase. This paper seeks to understand the motivations and dynamics of this new form of witchcraft persecution. From the Editorial: In ‘Child Witches’: From... more