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Außergewöhnliche Erfahrungen wie Nahtod-Erlebnisse oder Wahrträume, Phänomene wie Kornkreise oder UFO-Sichtungen, aber auch weit verbreitete Praktiken wie alternative Diagnose- und Heilverfahren oder Wünschelrutengehen: Von jeher haben... more
Anomalous experiences (AE) (uncommon experiences or one that is believed to deviate from the usually accepted explanations of reality: hallucinations, synesthesia, experiences interpreted as telepathic …) and altered states of... more
Harvey Irwin, in 2014, published the results of an online survey of members of the Parapsychological Association concerning the views of parapsychologists about paranormal phenomena and parapsychological research. The current study is a... more
Подтверждена геомагнитная гипотеза полтергейста и мысль о том, что этот феномен может быть некой формой природных явлений, связанных с геофизическими факторами. Причём связь эта носит универсальный характер независимо от его географии.... more
How can psychologists explain strange experiences such as hallucinations or unusual beliefs in ghosts and angels? This compelling introduction aims to uncover how and why such beliefs occur, exploring explanations based on different... more
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido pelo recém-criado GEPPA - Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Psicologia Anomalística da Universidade CEUMA, tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão inicial da literatura sobre a... more
This two-part essay illuminates the difficult relationship between astrology and science from different perspectives. While the first part provides a historical review of developments in the 20th century in German-speaking countries, the... more
It is one of the fundamental questions that everyone will ask themselves, but in an age of global pandemics, with the increasing challenge to once universal religious certainties and the growing partisan stranglehold on information, the... more
Le livre aborde des thèmes comme la croyance au paranormal, les expériences exceptionnelles, la survie de l’âme, les maisons hantées et le spiritisme, l’évolution des pratiques alternatives et les capacités paranormales.... more
Updated September 2020 This is a brief overview of what is currently known (by the ATransC Directors) about transcommunication with an emphasis on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). It is written by Tom Butler and published by Association... more
Bouse, K. J., Krippner, S., Luke, D. Simmonds-Moore, C., Taylor, S., Roe, C., & Schofield, M. (2021). Introduction by the Editor: A most ingenious paradox. Journal of Humanistic Psychology - Special Issue on Anomalous Lifeworlds:... more
The Classification and Statistical Manual of Extrasensory Experiences (CSM-EE) is a classification of extrasensory experiences (i.e. telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, precognition, synchronistic events, etc.) with associated criteria... more
We investigated sleep paralysis (SP) with an online questionnaire. Our sample consisted of 380 participants who experienced at least one SP. In this paper, we present the relation of SP to extraordinary experiences, paranormal beliefs,... more
Luke, D. (2022). Anomalous psychedelic experiences: At the neurochemical juncture of the humanistic and parapsychological. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 62(2), 257-297. This article... more
Luke, D. (2014). Psychic dreams: Evidence, transformational process and magical thinking. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 5(4), 44-48.
This paper reviews the research on psychedelic substances in relation to so-called paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition (i.e., ESP), as well as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and near-death experiences... more
The Dragon and Me:
Anthropology and the Paranormal 
- Susan Greenwood A Framework of Belief in Paranormal Experiences and its Relation to Positive/Negative Schizotypy - Alejandro Parra 
Research Perspectives in Parapsychology and... more
This article is a UFO sighting case study in which we discuss, from a psychological point of view, a close encounter of the third kind that allegedly happened in the town of Nancy (France) in 1969. This case is of special interest... more
Prof Jeffrey Kripal - Biological Gods: Science (Fiction) and Some Emergent Mythologies. Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters, a private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and... more
Robé R. & Abrassart, J.-M. (2021). Humanoid sightings in the north-est of France. Anomaly, 51 (mai 2021), 92-109. Humans seemed to have encountered humanoids since the down of time. Over time, several anomalous explanations have been... more
Whitley Streiber - Stories from a Life: a Lifetime of Anomalous and Unexplained Experiences. Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters, a private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015... more
The occurrence of transpersonal experiences with psychedelic substances is well attested, and several surveys have consistently found a small relationship between paranormal experiences and the use of such drugs in general. Isolated... more
Une version papier de cette thèse peut être commandée là: L'objectif de cette thèse de doctorat est de faire un état des lieux de ce qu'il est possible de dire à l’heure actuelle à... more
Luke, D. (2012). Experiential reclamation and first person parapsychology. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 3 (2), 4-14.
The privileging of physicalist ontologies and rigid experimentalism within parapsychology helps to expose a 'hole' in the praxis of the discipline proper; what psychoanalysis generally refers to as a " lack ". Certain not to fill this... more
This paper was presented at the Trickster Theory Panel at the 2016 Combined Convention of the Parapsychological Association (59th) and Society for Scientific Exploration (35th) in Boulder, Colorado.
Smith (1998) has shown that different people use the term “luck” to mean different things, some of which might be used euphemistically to account for psi experiences. However, previous luck-psi experiments have only measured perceived... more
Lorsqu'en 2001 j'eu terminé mon mémoire de licence en psychologie consacré à l'approche sociopsychologique du phénomène OVNI, je me posais de nombreuses questions à propos des traits de personnalité qui prédisposent un sujet à témoigner... more
The phrase "stream of consciousness" to indicate the flow of inner experience was first used by William James in Principles of Psychology (1890) yet writers throughout the ages have described the altered states of consciousness which... more
Along with other forms of enchantment that put in question the notion of a 'disenchantment of the world,' popular fascination with occult, paranormal, mysterious or 'Fortean' phenomena takes many and varied forms in today's global world.... more
Zusammenfassung – Der in der Esoterik- und New-Age-Szene geläufige Begriff „Indigo-Kinder“ wird als eine Bezeichnung für Kinder verstanden, die sich nach Ansicht der Befürworter dieses Konzepts durch besondere Charaktermerkmale und... more
Maillot, E.; Munsch, G.; Danizel, L.; Dumas, I.; Fournel, P.; Robé, R.; Zwygart, C. & Abrassart, J.-M. (2019). Mistaking the Moon for an Alien Spacecraft: The “Saros Operation”. Anomaly - Journal of Research into the Paranormal, 50, 8-17.
Talking With the Spirits is a cross-cultural survey of contemporary spirit mediumship. The diverse contributions to this volume cover a wide-range of ethnographic contexts, from Spiritualist séances in the United Kingdom to... more
German version available with the title "Editorial: Zum Kern der Sache – Carl Gustav Jung, Synchronizität und das Ringen mit empirischen Daten"
"One of the main characteristics of the automatic writing and automatic drawing observed at Brazilian spiritist centros is the attribution of authorship to external sources, usually of an allegedly spiritual kind. For many spiritist... more
Luke, D. (2017). Otherworlds: Psychedelics and exceptional human experience. London: Muswell Hill Press. A psychonautic scientific trip to the weirdest outposts of the psychedelic terrain, inhaling anything and everything relevant from... more