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A member registered Dec 22, 2018

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(1 edit)

The description on this page secured my commitment to this title long before I so much as touched the download button for the demo. The humor is to die for (no pun intended...probably). The demo itself is sublime (I'm thus far quite fond of Blake, he gives me Sebastian Michaelis vibes and I see someone else already noted his similarity to Muzan) and the writing in the demo is just as entertaining as on this page. I will keep my eye on this one and so should everyone else!

Answered by creator via TUMBLR please disregard. And thanks again!!!!

I'm doing a Milo romance play and am stuck in the Deep section. I have just returned to the Baron but can not proceed., there's no option to continue please help. I'm using google chrome on a pc to play in browser.  Help asap please because I'm rather addicted to this and desperate to continue LOL

I encountered an error as well when you go to dinner with your mother right after she addresses you by name I receive one that tells me to go back to the previous passage or do a hard restart when you click the name to proceed. Also there seems to be no way to save progress at all? (Story is looking very interesting though!)

Yes, someone please help  so we can have their awesome stories. If only I knew how to code

I  have tried everything I can think of. I had this game up until 8.1 but after that it refuses to budge past to 8.2  and 8.3. It shows my saves but will not go any further just says save and exit as if 8.2 and 8.3 do not exist.

Screams in excitement. See? I can't even spell it I'm so excited. Gideon Emery????? Well there goes me romancing anyone but Finn ever again.

Okay! Gotcha. Sorry, I was just so confused! 

No, it still says it for me too despite having bought it before. Or is that something that will resolve itself when the actual release happens?

Hope so because despite it saying that in the article it is still saying 'pre-order for 12.99' , that's why I asked about it.

What happened to you guys saying it we bought the 2nd version of WTNC (at one point that was $5)  then the revamp was included gratis when it happened?

So is this never going to be finished? It looked so promising.

Gotcha. I own the Steam one already. Alas, I was half hoping for extra Soren goodies or NSFW Soren. Yes, I know I am a terrible bad person. ;) Can't fault a girl for hoping! :)

Does this version contain anything different from the original?

I can't wait for this! Please tell me there's a tentative release date?

Tailor Tales community · Created a new topic Can't play

I would love to try this out. It looks awesome. But I can't play it. It launched fine, set up goes fine but the moment I start the story it crashes on the second scene (when then MC runs out of the house as a child on Neil's route).