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Hello, dear bonnies! I'm currently working on this interactive fiction and some future projects I have in mind. I've always been really bad at coding and had my friends help out with the initial stages of the game. However, I haven't been able to find any coder for the future release since they're busy with work, school, or other private matters. I would be very thankful to those who would be kind and knowledgeable enough in the world of Twine coding to help me in this project of mine. I'm not looking for a coding expert or anything; as long as you know how to code stories on Twine and can tweak with UI formats, it will be a great help!

For an extended list of what I might ask for besides the story coding:

  1. Adding music and sound effects.
  2. Creating a customized menu. It doesn't have to be too fancy.
  3. Beta-reading, but only maybe once or twice as you code the script I have.

I'll be adding your name to the credits since it's the least I can do for the massive helping hand you'd be giving me. Please do not hesitate in calling me out on grammatical errors either, it's rather embarrassing to think of how many of them I make when I'm writing my drafts.

In case you want to reach out to me privately, you can text me on either my discord (fallen god #0067) or my tumblr (@thesecrimsonstrings-if)

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you!


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I don't know if you still need help because this response is kind of late but if you do still need help then I would love to help of course if not just ignore this.

i still do actually, since practicing coding myself hasn't shown any progress πŸ’€ i hope the offer still stands!

Of course it does I would be absolutely delighted to help in way I can.  I'm currently on holidays so I have quite a bit of free time as well.

awesome! can you share your discord ID to take care of the communication regarding everything?

oh actually, you can reach me on discord too at fallen god#1035

I sent you a request my username is RatBarber#5750  

(1 edit)

Axel I can't get onto you right now through discord but I see that you've uploaded the game. It looks good. I have our version (The updated one) if you want me to send it to you then just respond although I won't see if you respond back for a few days or so.

sounds good! please send that version to me if you can. hope you're safe and okay, fish!

Now I don't know how well I'll be able to help long run, but here is some stuff to help with the current two items. And I don't the specifics of this and am a noob in coding as well, but here is some helpful stuff.


  - Twine media (

  - Document1 (

Customized Menus:



  - A Total Beginner’s Guide to Twine 2.1 – Adam Hammond


Yes, someone please help  so we can have their awesome stories. If only I knew how to code


I'd love to help but I fear I might not be a lot of help since I just started learning Twine this month and still catching up on JS. Would be happy to be secondary support tho


someone help this spectacular writer