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The aporia inherent in Kojève’s discussion of the end of history stems from the temporality implicit in the moment of inscribing the end of history in philosophy. Hegel’s Phenomenology as the unfolding of absolute knowledge stands at the... more
Presented at "The Standpoint of Reproduction: Questions for Contemporary Materialist Thought" at NYU, 2015
Spinoza's Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises
Reconstructing the theories of encounter and individuation among Novalis and his contemporaries affiliated with the Freiberg Mining Academy, this article reconsiders German Romanticism through a Spinozan materialist tradition. Countering... more
This conference will explore the encounter between the thought of Spinoza and Marx, posing the question of how to conceive the two bodies of thought as a joint project. We seek to trace the traditions this encounter has given rise to,... more
Deleuze locates an alternative to the otherwise dominant Platonism in the Epicurean tradition, and in the thought of Lucretius in particular, which finds its modern counterpart in Spinoza. The distinction between these two traditions, I... more