Author ID: warton.david-i Recent zbMATH articles by "Warton, David I."
Published as: Warton, David I.
External Links: MGP · ORCID
Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 2002
Co-Authors: 10 Co-Authors with 13 Joint Publications
43 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

17 Publications have been cited 98 times in 81 Documents Cited by Year
Penalized normal likelihood and ridge regularization of correlation and covariance matrices. Zbl 1471.62362
Warton, David I.
Tuning parameter selection for the adaptive Lasso using ERIC. Zbl 1373.62370
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Poisson point process models solve the “pseudo-absence problem” for presence-only data in ecology. Zbl 1202.62171
Warton, David I.; Shepherd, Leah C.
Equivalence of MAXENT and Poisson point process models for species distribution modeling in ecology. Zbl 1272.62080
Renner, Ian W.; Warton, David I.
Multi-species distribution modeling using penalized mixture of regressions. Zbl 1397.62263
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Finite mixture of regression modeling for high-dimensional count and biomass data in ecology. Zbl 1303.62066
Dunstan, Piers K.; Foster, Scott D.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.
Order selection in finite mixture models: complete or observed likelihood information criteria? Zbl 1452.62814
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Regularized sandwich estimators for analysis of high-dimensional data using generalized estimating equations. Zbl 1216.62186
Warton, David I.
Generalized linear latent variable models for multivariate count and biomass data in ecology. Zbl 1383.62315
Niku, Jenni; Warton, David I.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Taskinen, Sara
Robust tests for one or more allometric lines. Zbl 1397.92019
Taskinen, Sara; Warton, David I.
Why you cannot transform your way out of trouble for small counts. Zbl 1415.62153
Warton, David I.
Which Wald statistic? Choosing a parameterization of the Wald statistic to maximize power in \(k\)-sample generalized estimating equations. Zbl 1140.62015
Warton, David I.
Robustness to failure of assumptions of tests for a common slope amongst several allometric lines – a simulation study. Zbl 1442.62683
Warton, David I.
Robust estimation and inference for bivariate line-fitting in allometry. Zbl 1217.62194
Taskinen, Sara; Warton, David I.
A general algorithm for covariance modeling of discrete data. Zbl 1395.62144
Popovic, Gordana C.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.
What is the effective sample size of a spatial point process? Zbl 1521.62183
Renner, Ian W.; Warton, David I.; Hui, Francis K. C.
Common slope tests for bivariate errors-in-variables models. Zbl 1441.62529
Warton, David I.; Weber, Neville C.
What is the effective sample size of a spatial point process? Zbl 1521.62183
Renner, Ian W.; Warton, David I.; Hui, Francis K. C.
Why you cannot transform your way out of trouble for small counts. Zbl 1415.62153
Warton, David I.
A general algorithm for covariance modeling of discrete data. Zbl 1395.62144
Popovic, Gordana C.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.
Generalized linear latent variable models for multivariate count and biomass data in ecology. Zbl 1383.62315
Niku, Jenni; Warton, David I.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Taskinen, Sara
Tuning parameter selection for the adaptive Lasso using ERIC. Zbl 1373.62370
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Multi-species distribution modeling using penalized mixture of regressions. Zbl 1397.62263
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Order selection in finite mixture models: complete or observed likelihood information criteria? Zbl 1452.62814
Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.; Foster, Scott D.
Equivalence of MAXENT and Poisson point process models for species distribution modeling in ecology. Zbl 1272.62080
Renner, Ian W.; Warton, David I.
Finite mixture of regression modeling for high-dimensional count and biomass data in ecology. Zbl 1303.62066
Dunstan, Piers K.; Foster, Scott D.; Hui, Francis K. C.; Warton, David I.
Robust tests for one or more allometric lines. Zbl 1397.92019
Taskinen, Sara; Warton, David I.
Regularized sandwich estimators for analysis of high-dimensional data using generalized estimating equations. Zbl 1216.62186
Warton, David I.
Robust estimation and inference for bivariate line-fitting in allometry. Zbl 1217.62194
Taskinen, Sara; Warton, David I.
Poisson point process models solve the “pseudo-absence problem” for presence-only data in ecology. Zbl 1202.62171
Warton, David I.; Shepherd, Leah C.
Penalized normal likelihood and ridge regularization of correlation and covariance matrices. Zbl 1471.62362
Warton, David I.
Which Wald statistic? Choosing a parameterization of the Wald statistic to maximize power in \(k\)-sample generalized estimating equations. Zbl 1140.62015
Warton, David I.
Robustness to failure of assumptions of tests for a common slope amongst several allometric lines – a simulation study. Zbl 1442.62683
Warton, David I.
Common slope tests for bivariate errors-in-variables models. Zbl 1441.62529
Warton, David I.; Weber, Neville C.
all top 5

Cited by 182 Authors

12 Hui, Francis K. C.
7 Warton, David I.
5 Hooten, Mevin B.
5 Welsh, Alan H.
4 Müller, Samuel
3 Hanks, Ephraim M.
3 Taskinen, Sara
3 Wang, Hao
2 Alldredge, Mat W.
2 Baddeley, Adrian John
2 Bagnato, Luca
2 Buderman, Frances E.
2 Coeurjolly, Jean-François
2 Daniel, Jeffrey
2 Dünder, Emre
2 Fithian, William
2 Foster, Scott D.
2 Horrocks, Julie
2 Jalilian, Abdollah H.
2 Jin, Zhen
2 Li, Shuai
2 Ma, Shuangge
2 Nghiem, Linh H.
2 Niku, Jenni
2 Punzo, Antonio
2 Renner, Ian W.
2 Scharf, Henry R.
2 Umphrey, Gary J.
2 Watson, Joe
2 Wu, Mengyun
2 Yuan, Sanling
1 Adegoke, Nurudeen A.
1 Alaeddini, Adel
1 Ananthakrishnan, Ashwin N.
1 Anderson, Marti Jane
1 Aseltine, Robert H. jun.
1 Auger-Méthé, Marie
1 Ba, Ismaïla
1 Baya, Fidèle
1 Benedet, Fabrice
1 Bonat, Wagner Hugo
1 Brooks, Wesley
1 Brost, Brian M.
1 Cai, Tianxi
1 Chakrabortty, Abhishek
1 Chang, Ya-Mei
1 Chen, Kun
1 Cheng, David
1 Choiruddin, Achmad
1 Claeys, Florian
1 Coretto, Pietro
1 Cornu, Guillaume
1 Darnell, Ross
1 De Valpine, Perry
1 Dorazio, Robert M.
1 Dornan, G. J.
1 Dovers, Elliot
1 Dunstan, Piers K.
1 Eguchi, Shinto
1 Eshima, Nobuoki
1 Fa, J. E.
1 Farfán, M. A.
1 Foss, Alexander H.
1 Frej, Michał
1 Freycon, Vincent
1 Fu, Zhixuan
1 Gamerman, Dani
1 Garlick, Martha J.
1 Giunta, Valeria
1 Givens, Geof H.
1 Gourlet-Fleury, Sylvie
1 Grande-Vega, M.
1 Gregory, Karl Bruce
1 Gross, Elizabeth
1 Guan, Yongtao
1 Hartmann, Marcelo
1 Hastie, Trevor John
1 Hazelton, Martin L.
1 Hennig, Christian
1 Hillen, Thomas
1 Holter, Julia C.
1 Horrace, William C.
1 Huang, Jian
1 Ivan, Jacob S.
1 Jin, Baisuo
1 Johnson, Devin S.
1 Joy, Ruth
1 Jung, Hyunseok
1 Kawano, Shuichi
1 Kojaku, Sadamori
1 Komori, Osamu
1 Korhonen, Pekka J.
1 Krampe, Jonas
1 Kurosawa, Takeshi
1 Lee, Yoonseok
1 Lei, Huang
1 Lei, Jing
1 Letué, Frédérique
1 Lewis, Mark Alun
1 Li, Yaguang
...and 82 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 39 Serials

9 Biometrics
7 The Annals of Applied Statistics
6 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
5 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
4 Journal of the American Statistical Association
3 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
3 Environmetrics
2 Journal of Mathematical Biology
2 International Statistical Review
2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
2 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Physica A
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Biometrical Journal
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Lifetime Data Analysis
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications
1 Statistical Methodology
1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Bayesian Analysis
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Citations by Year