
Crawford, Forrest W.

Author ID: crawford.forrest-w Recent zbMATH articles by "Crawford, Forrest W."
Published as: Crawford, Forrest W.; Crawford, F.
External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata
Documents Indexed: 17 Publications since 2012, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 16 Joint Publications
275 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 103 times in 77 Documents Cited by Year
Transition probabilities for general birth-death processes with applications in ecology, genetics, and evolution. Zbl 1252.92053
Crawford, Forrest W.; Suchard, Marc A.
Estimation for general birth-death processes. Zbl 1367.62245
Crawford, Forrest W.; Minin, Vladimir N.; Suchard, Marc A.
Birth/birth-death processes and their computable transition probabilities with biological applications. Zbl 1384.60094
Ho, Lam Si Tung; Xu, Jason; Crawford, Forrest W.; Minin, Vladimir N.; Suchard, Marc A.
Sex, lies and self-reported counts: Bayesian mixture models for heaping in longitudinal count data via birth-death processes. Zbl 1397.62447
Crawford, Forrest W.; Weiss, Robert E.; Suchard, Marc A.
Hidden population size estimation from respondent-driven sampling: a network approach. Zbl 1398.62031
Crawford, Forrest W.; Wu, Jiacheng; Heimer, Robert
On the distribution of interspecies correlation for Markov models of character evolution on Yule trees. Zbl 1405.92200
Mulder, Willem H.; Crawford, Forrest W.
Direct likelihood-based inference for discretely observed stochastic compartmental models of infectious disease. Zbl 1405.62177
Ho, Lam Si Tung; Crawford, Forrest W.; Suchard, Marc A.
Coupling bounds for approximating birth-death processes by truncation. Zbl 1382.60098
Crawford, Forrest W.; Stutz, Timothy C.; Lange, Kenneth
Computational methods for birth-death processes. Zbl 07910809
Crawford, Forrest W.; Ho, Lam Si Tung; Suchard, Marc A.
Confidence intervals for linear unbiased estimators under constrained dependence. Zbl 1408.62088
Aronow, Peter M.; Crawford, Forrest W.; Zubizarreta, José R.
Analysing spatial intrapersonal variability of road users using point-to-point sensor data. Zbl 07816997
Crawford, F.; Watling, D. P.; Connors, R. D.
Analysing spatial intrapersonal variability of road users using point-to-point sensor data. Zbl 07816997
Crawford, F.; Watling, D. P.; Connors, R. D.
Birth/birth-death processes and their computable transition probabilities with biological applications. Zbl 1384.60094
Ho, Lam Si Tung; Xu, Jason; Crawford, Forrest W.; Minin, Vladimir N.; Suchard, Marc A.
Hidden population size estimation from respondent-driven sampling: a network approach. Zbl 1398.62031
Crawford, Forrest W.; Wu, Jiacheng; Heimer, Robert
Direct likelihood-based inference for discretely observed stochastic compartmental models of infectious disease. Zbl 1405.62177
Ho, Lam Si Tung; Crawford, Forrest W.; Suchard, Marc A.
Computational methods for birth-death processes. Zbl 07910809
Crawford, Forrest W.; Ho, Lam Si Tung; Suchard, Marc A.
Confidence intervals for linear unbiased estimators under constrained dependence. Zbl 1408.62088
Aronow, Peter M.; Crawford, Forrest W.; Zubizarreta, José R.
Coupling bounds for approximating birth-death processes by truncation. Zbl 1382.60098
Crawford, Forrest W.; Stutz, Timothy C.; Lange, Kenneth
Sex, lies and self-reported counts: Bayesian mixture models for heaping in longitudinal count data via birth-death processes. Zbl 1397.62447
Crawford, Forrest W.; Weiss, Robert E.; Suchard, Marc A.
On the distribution of interspecies correlation for Markov models of character evolution on Yule trees. Zbl 1405.92200
Mulder, Willem H.; Crawford, Forrest W.
Estimation for general birth-death processes. Zbl 1367.62245
Crawford, Forrest W.; Minin, Vladimir N.; Suchard, Marc A.
Transition probabilities for general birth-death processes with applications in ecology, genetics, and evolution. Zbl 1252.92053
Crawford, Forrest W.; Suchard, Marc A.
all top 5

Cited by 165 Authors

7 Crawford, Forrest W.
6 Di Crescenzo, Antonio
6 Ho, Lam Si Tung
5 Suchard, Marc A.
5 Xu, Jason
4 Bartoszek, Krzysztof
4 Giorno, Virginia
4 Nobile, Amelia G.
3 Minin, Vladimir N.
3 Sherlock, Chris
3 Spina, Serena
2 Duan, Dongli
2 Golightly, Andrew
2 Hautphenne, Sophie
2 Lv, Changchun
2 Mandjes, Michel Robertus Hendrikus
2 Martinucci, Barbara
2 Sagitov, Serik
2 Si, Shubin
2 Sollie, Birgit
2 Stutz, Timothy C.
2 Tran, Viet Chi
2 Vo, Thi Phuong Thuy
2 Xie, Junlan
1 Ahmad, Amar Sabri
1 Aiello, Allison E.
1 Ainsworth, Holly F.
1 Al-Hassan, Munther
1 Ali, Raghib
1 Andronov, Alexander M.
1 Aronow, Peter M.
1 Asadi, Majid
1 Awasthi, Achal
1 Baraviera, Alexandre Tavares
1 Barbhuiya, Farida Parvez
1 Berthouze, Luc
1 Bhanot, Gyan V.
1 Binh T. Nguyen
1 Boys, Richard J.
1 Bu, Fan
1 Butov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
1 Chan, Stephen Chi-fai
1 Chen, Zezhun
1 Cheng, Si
1 Chow, Daniel Hung-Kay
1 Chu, Jeffrey
1 Cousien, Anthony
1 Crespo, Fausto F.
1 Csűrös, Miklós
1 Dashti, Masoumeh
1 Dassios, Angelos
1 Davison, Anthony C.
1 de Gunst, Mathisca C. M.
1 Dhersin, Jean-Stéphane
1 Di Lauro, Francesco
1 Diakarya, Barro
1 Dinh, Vu
1 Duarte, Pedro
1 Ebner, Bruno
1 Eck, Daniel J.
1 Erhardt, Gregory D.
1 Ermishkina, E. M.
1 Fabrice, Ouoba
1 Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda
1 Ganesan, Shridar
1 Gillespie, Colin S.
1 Gómez-Corral, Antonio
1 Grigoryan, Samvel Samvelovich
1 Grigoryan, Trdat
1 Gupta, Ankit
1 Guttorp, Peter
1 Hag-Ali, Mohammed
1 Han, Ke
1 Henze, Norbert
1 Hepler, Staci A.
1 Huang, Jenny
1 Hudgens, Michael G.
1 Hunkrajok, Mongkol
1 Hussain, Hamid Y.
1 Huynh, Linh
1 Jenner, Adrianne L.
1 Johnston, Lisa G.
1 Juber, Nirmin F.
1 K. S., Shiny
1 Kapodistria, Stella
1 Kato-Maeda, Midori
1 Kiliçman, Adem
1 Kim, Brian J.
1 King, Guillaume Kon Kam
1 Kiss, István Z.
1 Kiwanuka, Fred N.
1 Kline, David M.
1 Kobak, Dmitry
1 Kovalenko, Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich
1 Kumar, Nitin
1 Lacy, Mason S.
1 Lange, Kenneth L.
1 Langwade, Joshua
1 Lenin, R. B.
1 Li, Yang
...and 65 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 51 Serials

4 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
4 The Annals of Applied Statistics
4 Journal of Theoretical Biology
3 Mathematical Biosciences
3 Applied Mathematics and Computation
3 Biometrics
3 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 Journal of Mathematical Biology
2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
2 Physica A
2 Journal of the American Statistical Association
2 Ricerche di Matematica
2 Theoretical Population Biology
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Stochastic Models
1 Advances in Applied Probability
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
1 The Annals of Statistics
1 Biometrical Journal
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Computational Statistics
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
1 Statistical Papers
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
1 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
1 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 SORT. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions
1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
1 Networks and Spatial Economics
1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 Journal of Biological Dynamics
1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki
1 Statistics Surveys
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Croatian Operational Research Review (CRORR)
1 Statistics in Medicine

Citations by Year

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