Author ID: blower.sally-m Recent zbMATH articles by "Blower, Sally M."
Published as: Blower, Sally; Blower, Sally M.; Blower, S. M.

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 503 times in 477 Documents Cited by Year
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of complex models of disease transmission: An HIV-model, as an example. Zbl 0825.62860
Blower, S. M.; Dowlatabadi, H.
Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: Models, methods, and theory. Proceedings of a workshop, integral part of the IMA program on mathematics in biology. Zbl 0989.00064
Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: An introduction. Proceedings of a tutorial Introduction to epidemiology and immunology. An overview to the IMA workshop on mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: Models, methods and theory. IMA program on mathematics in biology. Zbl 0989.00065
Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis. Zbl 0921.92018
Porco, Travis C.; Blower, Sally M.
HIV vaccines: The effect of the mode of action on the coexistence of HIV subtypes. Zbl 0961.92021
Porco, Travis C.; Blower, Sally M.
Tuberculosis: The evolution of antibiotic resistance and the design of epidemic control strategies. Zbl 0929.92022
Blower, Sally; Porco, Travis; Lietman, Tom
The reinfection threshold does not exist. Zbl 1445.92263
Breban, Romulus; Blower, Sally
A queueing model for chronic recurrent conditions under panel observation. Zbl 1077.62105
Crespi, Catherine M.; Cumberland, William G.; Blower, Sally
Modeling the potential impact of rectal microbicides to reduce HIV transmission in bathhouses. Zbl 1092.92029
Breban, Romulus; McGowan, Ian; Topaz, Chad; Schwartz, Elissa J.; Anton, Peter; Blower, Sally
How do interventions impact malaria dynamics between neighboring countries? A case study with Botswana and Zimbabwe. Zbl 1460.92183
Agusto, Folashade; Goldberg, Amy; Ortega, Omayra; Ponce, Joan; Zaytseva, Sofya; Sindi, Suzanne; Blower, Sally
How do interventions impact malaria dynamics between neighboring countries? A case study with Botswana and Zimbabwe. Zbl 1460.92183
Agusto, Folashade; Goldberg, Amy; Ortega, Omayra; Ponce, Joan; Zaytseva, Sofya; Sindi, Suzanne; Blower, Sally
Modeling the potential impact of rectal microbicides to reduce HIV transmission in bathhouses. Zbl 1092.92029
Breban, Romulus; McGowan, Ian; Topaz, Chad; Schwartz, Elissa J.; Anton, Peter; Blower, Sally
The reinfection threshold does not exist. Zbl 1445.92263
Breban, Romulus; Blower, Sally
A queueing model for chronic recurrent conditions under panel observation. Zbl 1077.62105
Crespi, Catherine M.; Cumberland, William G.; Blower, Sally
Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: Models, methods, and theory. Proceedings of a workshop, integral part of the IMA program on mathematics in biology. Zbl 0989.00064
Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: An introduction. Proceedings of a tutorial Introduction to epidemiology and immunology. An overview to the IMA workshop on mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: Models, methods and theory. IMA program on mathematics in biology. Zbl 0989.00065
HIV vaccines: The effect of the mode of action on the coexistence of HIV subtypes. Zbl 0961.92021
Porco, Travis C.; Blower, Sally M.
Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis. Zbl 0921.92018
Porco, Travis C.; Blower, Sally M.
Tuberculosis: The evolution of antibiotic resistance and the design of epidemic control strategies. Zbl 0929.92022
Blower, Sally; Porco, Travis; Lietman, Tom
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of complex models of disease transmission: An HIV-model, as an example. Zbl 0825.62860
Blower, S. M.; Dowlatabadi, H.
all top 5

Cited by 997 Authors

23 Gumel, Abba B.
22 Tiwari, Pankaj Kumar
13 Kirschner, Denise E.
13 Tang, Sanyi
12 Wu, Jianhong
11 Okuonghae, Daniel
11 Pal, Samaresh
11 Smith?, Stacey R.
10 Bhunu, Claver Pedzisai
10 Bowong, Samuel
10 Njagarah, John Boscoh H.
10 Yakubu, Abdul-Aziz
9 Castillo-Chavez, Carlos
9 Nyabadza, Farai
9 Xiao, Yanni
8 Cheke, Robert A.
8 Heffernan, Jane Marie
7 Agusto, Folashade B.
7 Ghosh, Mini
7 Li, Xuezhi
7 Misra, Arvind Kumar
7 Qiu, Zhipeng
7 Terefe, Yibeltal Adane
6 Bairagi, Nandadulal
6 Kang, Yun
6 Kumari, Nitu
6 Mukandavire, Zindoga
6 Omame, Andrew
5 Alemneh, Haileyesus Tessema
5 Chatterjee, Samrat
5 Cogan, Nicholas G.
5 Feng, Zhilan
5 Khan, Muhammad Altaf
5 Lenhart, Suzanne M.
5 Lubuma, Jean Mbaro-Saman
5 Martcheva, Maia
5 Rong, Libin
5 Samanta, Sudip
5 Sharma, Sandeep Kumar
5 Sharomi, Oluwaseun Y.
5 Zhou, Yicang
4 Banks, Harvey Thomas
4 Bonyah, Ebenezer
4 Chowell, Gerardo
4 Eftimie, Raluca
4 Jarrett, Angela M.
4 Jin, Zhen
4 Kassa, Semu Mitiku
4 Liu, Bing
4 Mubayi, Anuj
4 Mushayabasa, Steady
4 Ngonghala, Calistus N.
4 Okuneye, Kamaldeen O.
4 Podder, Chandra Nath
4 Rai, Rajanish Kumar
4 Wang, Shaoli
4 Wang, Yan
3 Adak, Debadatta
3 Chattopadhyay, Joydev
3 Che, Eric Ngang
3 Das, Phonindra Nath
3 El Fatini, Mohamed
3 Elbasha, Elamin H.
3 Elmojtaba, Ibrahim M.
3 Gakkhar, Sunita
3 Garba, Salisu M.
3 Garira, Winston S.
3 Gomes, M. Gabriela M.
3 Huang, Aijun
3 Hussaini, M. Y.
3 Hussaini, Nafiu
3 Inyama, Simeon Chioma
3 Kumar, Sumit
3 Liu, Jun
3 Makinde, Oluwole Daniel
3 Marino, Simeone
3 Moghadas, Seyed M.
3 Mugisha, Joseph Y. T.
3 Pettersson, Roger
3 Porco, Travis C.
3 Qesmi, Redouane
3 Qin, Wenjie
3 Rychtár, Jan
3 Sk, Nazmul
3 Srivastav, Akhil Kumar
3 Srivastava, Prashant Kr.
3 Tan, Yuanshun
3 Taylor, Dewey T.
3 Tewa, Jean-Jules
3 Wang, Hao
3 Wang, Jinliang
3 Xu, Fei
3 Yang, Jin
3 Zhang, Fumin
2 Abatih, Emmanuel N.
2 Abbas, Mujahid
2 Abebe, Ash
2 Al-Arydah, Mo’tassem
2 Al-Salti, Nasser S.
2 Alexander, Murray E.
...and 897 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 91 Serials

45 Journal of Theoretical Biology
41 Mathematical Biosciences
31 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
24 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
20 Journal of Biological Systems
16 Applied Mathematics and Computation
16 International Journal of Biomathematics
14 Journal of Biological Dynamics
13 Journal of Mathematical Biology
12 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
12 Applied Mathematical Modelling
12 Journal of Applied Mathematics
11 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
11 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine
10 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
9 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
8 Physica A
8 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
8 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
7 Nonlinear Dynamics
6 Mathematical Population Studies
6 Chaos
6 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
5 Advances in Difference Equations
5 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
4 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
4 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
4 ISRN Biomathematics
3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
3 Theoretical Population Biology
3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
3 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
2 Biometrics
2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications
2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 Abstract and Applied Analysis
2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
2 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
2 Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones
2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
2 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics
2 Afrika Matematika
2 International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2 Cogent Mathematics
2 Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 International Journal of Control
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Studies in Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)
1 Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
1 Journal of Theoretical Medicine
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
1 Natural Resource Modeling
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
1 The ANZIAM Journal
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control
1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
1 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
1 Stochastics
1 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei)
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Games
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Palestine Journal of Mathematics
1 Biomath
1 Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity
1 AIMS Mathematics
1 Cogent Mathematics & Statistics

Citations by Year