
Elliptic curves and the residue-counts of \(x^2+bx+c/x\) modulo \(p\). arXiv:2407.15432

Preprint, arXiv:2407.15432 [math.NT] (2024).
Summary: For any prime \(p>3\) and rational \(p\)-integers \(b,c\) with \(c(b^3-27c)\not\equiv 0\pmod p\) let \(V_p(x^2+bx+\frac cx)\) be the residue-counts of \(x^2+bx+\frac cx\) modulo \(p\) as \(x\) runs over \(1,2,\ldots,p-1\). In this paper, we reveal the connection between \(V_p(x^2+bx+\frac cx)\) and the number of points on certain elliptic curve over the field \(\Bbb F_p\).


11A15 Power residues, reciprocity
11A07 Congruences; primitive roots; residue systems
11E25 Sums of squares and representations by other particular quadratic forms
11L10 Jacobsthal and Brewer sums; other complete character sums
11G20 Curves over finite and local fields
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