
Integrating dynamics into design and motion optimization of a 3-PRR planar parallel manipulator with discrete time transfer matrix method. (English) Zbl 07348358

Summary: This paper presents a novel method of dynamic modeling and design optimization integrated with dynamics for parallel robot manipulators. Firstly, a computationally efficient modeling method, the discrete time transfer matrix method (DT-TMM), is proposed to establish the dynamic model of a 3-PRR planar parallel manipulator (PPM) for the first time. The numerical simulations are performed with both the proposed DT-TMM dynamic modeling and the ADAMS modeling. The applicability and effectiveness of DT-TMM in parallel manipulators are verified by comparing the numerical results. Secondly, the design parameters of the 3-PRR parallel manipulator are optimized using the kinematic performance indices, such as global workspace conditioning index (GWCI), global condition index (GCI), and global gradient index (GGI). Finally, a dynamic performance index, namely, driving force index (DFI), is proposed based on the established dynamic model. The described motion trajectory of the moving platform is placed into the optimized workspace and the initial position is determined to finalize the end-effector trajectory of the parallel manipulator by the further optimization with the integrated kinematic and dynamic performance indices. The novelty of this work includes (1) developing a new dynamic model method with high computation efficiency for parallel robot manipulators using DT-TMM and (2) proposing a new dynamic performance index and integrating the dynamic index into the motion and design optimization of parallel robot manipulators.


70E60 Robot dynamics and control of rigid bodies
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