
Does water disinfectant play a supportive role in the spread of infectious disease? A mathematical study. (English) Zbl 07833713

Summary: The waterborne diseases cause millions of deaths across the globe. It was a preconceived notion since years that ingestion of contaminated water is the only possible way for the spread of waterborne infectious diseases. But some recent studies have shown that waterborne disease can also spread as a result of human to human transmission. The use of disinfectants is a common practice to prevent a waterborne disease. We assume that the inclusion of the disinfectant, although helpful in prevention of disease, caused negative effect on individuals. In this paper, a nonlinear mathematical model has been proposed to analyze the negative effects caused by disinfectant of water on individuals. Our study shows that if the mixing of disinfectant has not been performed in a controlled manner, then it results in an increase in human to human transmission of disease. The equilibrium and stability analysis have been performed to study the nature of the model system. An extensive numerical experiment has been performed to support the analytical findings.
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