
Generalized parton distributions of gluon in proton: a light-front quantization approach. (English) Zbl 1539.81141

Summary: We solve for the gluon generalized parton distributions (GPDs) inside the proton at zero skewness, focusing specifically on leading twist chiral-even GPDs. We obtain and employ the light-front wavefunctions (LFWFs) of the proton from a light-front quantized Hamiltonian with Quantum Chromodynamics input using basis light-front quantization (BLFQ). Our investigation incorporates the valence Fock sector with three constituent quarks and an additional Fock sector, encompassing three quarks and a dynamical gluon. We examine the GPDs within impact parameter space and evaluate the \(x\)-dependence of the transverse square radius. We find that the transverse size of the gluon at lower-\(x\) is larger than that of the quark, while it exhibits opposite behavior at large-\(x\). Using the proton spin sum rule, we also determine the relative contributions of quarks and the gluon to the total angular momentum of the proton.


81V35 Nuclear physics
81V25 Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory
35A18 Wave front sets in context of PDEs
81S08 Canonical quantization
70M20 Orbital mechanics
28A75 Length, area, volume, other geometric measure theory
81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
70H05 Hamilton’s equations
30H20 Bergman spaces and Fock spaces


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