
The Chevalley-Herbrand formula and the real abelian main conjecture (new criterion using capitulation of the class group). (English) Zbl 1534.11128

Summary: Analytic theory of real abelian fields \(K\) says (in the cyclic semi-simple case) that the order of the \(p\)-class group \(\mathscr{H}_K\) is equal to the \(p\)-index of cyclotomic units \((\mathscr{E}_K : \mathscr{F}_K)\). We develop, in this article, new promising links between: (i) the Chevalley-Herbrand formula giving the number of “ambiguous classes” in \(p\)-extensions \(L / K\), \(L \subset K(\mu_\ell)\) for auxiliary prime numbers \(\ell \equiv 1 \pmod {2p^N}\) inert in \(K\); (ii) the phenomenon of capitulation of \(\mathscr{H}_K\) in \(L\); (iii) the Main Theorem \(\#\mathscr{H}_{K, \varphi} = (\mathscr{E}_{K, \varphi} : \mathscr{F}_{K, \varphi})\) for the isotypic components using the irreducible \(p\)-adic characters \(\varphi\) of \(K\), that we had conjectured (1977). We prove that this real Main Theorem is trivially fulfilled as soon as \(\mathscr{H}_K\) capitulates in \(L\) (Theorem 1.2). Computations with PARI programs support this new philosophy of the Main Theorem and the very frequent phenomenon of capitulation suggests Conjecture 1.1.


11R23 Iwasawa theory
11R20 Other abelian and metabelian extensions
11R29 Class numbers, class groups, discriminants
11Y40 Algebraic number theory computations




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