
Truncated affine Rozansky-Witten models as extended TQFTs. (English) Zbl 1522.81176

Summary: We construct extended TQFTs associated to Rozansky-Witten models with target manifolds \(T^*\mathbb{C}^n\). The starting point of the construction is the 3-category whose objects are such Rozansky-Witten models, and whose morphisms are defects of all codimensions. By truncation, we obtain a (non-semisimple) 2-category \(\mathcal C\) of bulk theories, surface defects, and isomorphism classes of line defects. Through a systematic application of the cobordism hypothesis we construct a unique extended oriented 2-dimensional TQFT valued in \(\mathcal C\) for every affine Rozansky-Witten model. By evaluating this TQFT on closed surfaces we obtain the infinite-dimensional state spaces (graded by flavour and R-charges) of the initial 3-dimensional theory. Furthermore, we explicitly compute the commutative Frobenius algebras that classify the restrictions of the extended theories to circles and bordisms between them.


81T10 Model quantum field theories
81T50 Anomalies in quantum field theory
55N22 Bordism and cobordism theories and formal group laws in algebraic topology
81P16 Quantum state spaces, operational and probabilistic concepts
81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
13A35 Characteristic \(p\) methods (Frobenius endomorphism) and reduction to characteristic \(p\); tight closure


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