
Amortizing rate-1 OT and applications to PIR and PSI. (English) Zbl 1511.94069

Nissim, Kobbi (ed.) et al., Theory of cryptography. 19th international conference, TCC 2021, Raleigh, NC, USA, November 8–11, 2021. Proceedings. Part III. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13044, 126-156 (2021).
Summary: Recent new constructions of rate-1 OT [N. Döttling et al., Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 11694, 3–32 (2019; Zbl 1436.94054)] have brought this primitive under the spotlight and the techniques have led to new feasibility results for private-information retrieval, and homomorphic encryption for branching programs. The receiver communication of this construction consists of a quadratic (in the sender’s input size) number of group elements for a single instance of rate-1 OT. Recently [S. Garg et al., ibid. 12550, 88–116 (2020; Zbl 1479.94176)] improved the receiver communication to a linear number of group elements for a single string-OT. However, most applications of rate-1 OT require executing it multiple times, resulting in large communication costs for the receiver.
In this work, we introduce a new technique for amortizing the cost of multiple rate-1 OTs. Specifically, based on standard pairing assumptions, we obtain a two-message rate-1 OT protocol for which the amortized cost per string-OT is asymptotically reduced to only four group elements. Our results lead to significant communication improvements in PSI and PIR, special cases of SFE for branching programs.
PIR: We obtain a rate-1 PIR scheme with client communication cost of \(O(\lambda \cdot \log N)\) group elements for security parameter \(\lambda\) and database size \(N\). Notably, after a one-time setup (or one PIR instance), any following PIR instance only requires communication cost \(O(\log N)\) number of group elements.
PSI with unbalanced inputs: We apply our techniques to private set intersection with unbalanced set sizes (where the receiver has a smaller set) and achieve receiver communication of \(O((m+\lambda) \log N)\) group elements where \(m\), \(N\) are the sizes of the receiver and sender sets, respectively. Similarly, after a one-time setup (or one PSI instance), any following PSI instance only requires communication cost \(O(m \cdot \log N)\) number of group elements. All previous sublinear-communication non-FHE based PSI protocols for the above unbalanced setting were also based on rate-1 OT, but incurred at least \(O(\lambda^2 m \log N)\) group elements.

For the entire collection see [Zbl 1508.94004].


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