
Existence results of renormalized solutions for nonlinear \(p(\cdot)\)-parabolic equations with possibly singular measure data. (English) Zbl 1492.35157

Summary: We study the existence of renormalized solutions to a nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem with a general and possibly singular measure data, whose model is \[ (\mathcal{P}) \begin{cases} \frac{\partial b(u)}{\partial t} -\Delta_{p(x)}u =\mu \quad &\text{in } Q:=\Omega \times (0,T), \\ b(u)(t=0)=b(u_0)(x) \quad &\text{in } \Omega,\\ u(x,t)=0 \quad &\text{on } \partial \Omega \times (0,T),\\ \end{cases} \] where \(\Omega\) is an open bounded subset of \(\mathbb{R}^N\) (\(N\geq 2\)), \(T>0\), \(b\) is an increasing \(C^1\)-function, \( \Delta_{p(x)}u:=\operatorname{div}(|\nabla u|^{p(x)-2}\nabla u\) (\(1<p_-\leq p(x)\leq p_+<N\)) is the \(p(x)\)-Laplacian operator which, roughly speaking, behaves as \(|\nabla u|^{p(x)-1}\), \(\mu\) is a bounded Radon measure with bounded total variation on \(Q\) and \(b(u_0)\) is an integrable function. We provide the assumptions, the notions of solution we are adopting and the statements of the existence result in the “generalized” Sobolev spaces with variable exponent using some “specific” decompositions on the data.


35K92 Quasilinear parabolic equations with \(p\)-Laplacian
35D30 Weak solutions to PDEs
35K20 Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic equations
35R05 PDEs with low regular coefficients and/or low regular data
35R06 PDEs with measure
46E35 Sobolev spaces and other spaces of “smooth” functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems
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