
Lopsided DSS iteration method for solving complex Sylvester matrix equation. (English) Zbl 1476.65064

Summary: In this study, based on the double-step scale splitting (DSS) iteration method for solving complex Sylvester matrix equation, we propose two corresponding lopsided DSS iteration methods. These new methods, LDSS1 and LDSS2, are proved to be convergent under some suitable conditions. Besides, we try to minimize the spectral radii of the iteration matrices. We compare the new methods to the original methods in terms of the spectral radii of the iteration matrices. In the experiment results, we found that LDSS1 and LDSS2 methods are superior in iteration steps and CPU time when Sylvester equation satisfies some certain conditions.


65F45 Numerical methods for matrix equations
15A24 Matrix equations and identities


Algorithm 432
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