
Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2021. 40th annual international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, October 17–21, 2021. Proceedings. Part II. (English) Zbl 1475.94011

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12697. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-77885-9/pbk; 978-3-030-77886-6/ebook). xv, 933 p. (2021).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1475.94008; Zbl 1482.94003; Zbl 1475.94009]. For Parts I and III of the proceedings of the present conference see [Zbl 1475.94010; Zbl 1475.94012].
Indexed articles:
Dobraunig, Christoph; Grassi, Lorenzo; Guinet, Anna; Kuijsters, Daniël, Ciminion: symmetric encryption based on Toffoli-gates over large finite fields, 3-34 [Zbl 1479.94159]
Keller, Nathan; Rosemarin, Asaf, Mind the middle layer: the HADES design strategy revisited, 35-63 [Zbl 1479.94199]
Farshim, Pooya; Tessaro, Stefano, Password hashing and preprocessing, 64-91 [Zbl 1479.94317]
Andreeva, Elena; Bhattacharyya, Rishiraj; Roy, Arnab, Compactness of hashing modes and efficiency beyond Merkle tree, 92-123 [Zbl 1479.94114]
Amon, Ohad; Dunkelman, Orr; Keller, Nathan; Ronen, Eyal; Shamir, Adi, Three third generation attacks on the format preserving encryption scheme FF3, 127-154 [Zbl 1479.94111]
Beierle, Christof; Derbez, Patrick; Leander, Gregor; Leurent, Gaëtan; Raddum, Håvard; Rotella, Yann; Rupprecht, David; Stennes, Lukas, Cryptanalysis of the GPRS encryption algorithms GEA-1 and GEA-2, 155-183 [Zbl 1479.94125]
Yu, Wei; Xu, Guangwu, Pre-computation scheme of window \(\tau\)NAF for Koblitz curves revisited, 187-218 [Zbl 1479.94353]
Biryukov, Alex; Udovenko, Aleksei, Dummy shuffling against algebraic attacks in white-box implementations, 219-248 [Zbl 1479.94129]
Ducas, Léo; Stevens, Marc; van Woerden, Wessel, Advanced lattice sieving on GPUs, with tensor cores, 249-279 [Zbl 1479.94161]
Bordes, Nicolas; Karpman, Pierre, Fast verification of masking schemes in characteristic two, 283-312 [Zbl 1479.94296]
Belaïd, Sonia; Rivain, Matthieu; Taleb, Abdul Rahman, On the power of expansion: more efficient constructions in the random probing model, 313-343 [Zbl 1479.94126]
Maji, Hemanta K.; Nguyen, Hai H.; Paskin-Cherniavsky, Anat; Suad, Tom; Wang, Mingyuan, Leakage-resilience of the Shamir secret-sharing scheme against physical-bit leakages, 344-374 [Zbl 1479.94336]
Dobraunig, Christoph; Mennink, Bart, Leakage resilient value comparison with application to message authentication, 377-407 [Zbl 1479.94311]
Brian, Gianluca; Faonio, Antonio; Obremski, Maciej; Ribeiro, João; Simkin, Mark; Skórski, Maciej; Venturi, Daniele, The mother of all leakages: how to simulate noisy leakages via bounded leakage (almost) for free, 408-437 [Zbl 1479.94298]
Cayrel, Pierre-Louis; Colombier, Brice; Drăgoi, Vlad-Florin; Menu, Alexandre; Bossuet, Lilian, Message-recovery laser fault injection attack on the classic McEliece cryptosystem, 438-467 [Zbl 1479.94141]
Goyal, Vipul; Srinivasan, Akshayaram; Zhu, Chenzhi, Multi-source non-malleable extractors and applications, 468-497 [Zbl 1479.94322]
Ananth, Prabhanjan; La Placa, Rolando L., Secure software leasing, 501-530 [Zbl 07440617]
Grilo, Alex B.; Lin, Huijia; Song, Fang; Vaikuntanathan, Vinod, Oblivious transfer is in MiniQCrypt, 531-561 [Zbl 1479.94182]
Roberts, Bhaskar, Security analysis of quantum lightning, 562-567 [Zbl 1479.94249]
Yamakawa, Takashi; Zhandry, Mark, Classical vs quantum random oracles, 568-597 [Zbl 1479.94349]
Chung, Kai-Min; Fehr, Serge; Huang, Yu-Hsuan; Liao, Tai-Ning, On the compressed-oracle technique, and post-quantum security of proofs of sequential work, 598-629 [Zbl 1479.94145]
Vidick, Thomas; Zhang, Tina, Classical proofs of quantum knowledge, 630-660 [Zbl 1479.94263]
Beck, Gabrielle; Goel, Aarushi; Jain, Abhishek; Kaptchuk, Gabriel, Order-C secure multiparty computation for highly repetitive circuits, 663-693 [Zbl 07440623]
Gordon, S. Dov; Starin, Daniel; Yerukhimovich, Arkady, The more the merrier: reducing the cost of large scale MPC, 694-723 [Zbl 07440624]
Benhamouda, Fabrice; Jain, Aayush; Komargodski, Ilan; Lin, Huijia, Multiparty reusable non-interactive secure computation from LWE, 724-753 [Zbl 07440625]
Ananth, Prabhanjan; Jain, Abhishek; Jin, Zhengzhong; Malavolta, Giulio, Unbounded multi-party computation from learning with errors, 754-781 [Zbl 07440626]
Faust, Sebastian; Hazay, Carmit; Kretzler, David; Schlosser, Benjamin, Generic compiler for publicly verifiable covert multi-party computation, 782-811 [Zbl 1524.68042]
Polychroniadou, Antigoni; Song, Yifan, Constant-overhead unconditionally secure multiparty computation over binary fields, 812-841 [Zbl 07440628]
Couteau, Geoffroy; Meyer, Pierre, Breaking the circuit size barrier for secure computation under quasi-polynomial LPN, 842-870 [Zbl 07440629]
Boyle, Elette; Chandran, Nishanth; Gilboa, Niv; Gupta, Divya; Ishai, Yuval; Kumar, Nishant; Rathee, Mayank, Function secret sharing for mixed-mode and fixed-point secure computation, 871-900 [Zbl 1479.94297]
Rindal, Peter; Schoppmann, Phillipp, VOLE-PSI: fast OPRF and circuit-PSI from vector-OLE, 901-930 [Zbl 1479.94248]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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