
Schemes for bidirectional quantum teleportation via a hyper-entangled state. (English) Zbl 1412.81061

Summary: We propose the symmetry bidirectional quantum teleportation scheme by using a bi-photon Bell-class hyper-entangled state as quantum channel. Two distant parties, Alice and Bob can simultaneously teleport the desired one-qubit states each other via Bell-state measurement and appropriate unitary transformation. We also propose the asymmetry bidirectional quantum teleportation scheme by using a bi-photon Bell-class hyper-entangled state as quantum channel. Controlled not gate operation, Bell-state measurement and appropriate unitary transformation are included.


81P45 Quantum information, communication, networks (quantum-theoretic aspects)
81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81V80 Quantum optics
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