
A tutorial on interaction. (English) Zbl 1343.92023

Summary: In this tutorial, we provide a broad introduction to the topic of interaction between the effects of exposures. We discuss interaction on both additive and multiplicative scales using risks, and we discuss their relation to statistical models (e.g. linear, log-linear, and logistic models). We discuss and evaluate arguments that have been made for using additive or multiplicative scales to assess interaction. We further discuss approaches to presenting interaction analyses, different mechanistic forms of interaction, when interaction is robust to unmeasured confounding, interaction for continuous outcomes, qualitative or “crossover” interactions, methods for attributing effects to interactions, case-only estimators of interaction, and power and sample size calculations for additive and multiplicative interaction.


92B15 General biostatistics
62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis
62N05 Reliability and life testing
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