
The all-or-nothing flow problem in directed graphs with symmetric demand pairs. (English) Zbl 1337.90018

Summary: We study the approximability of the all-or-nothing multicommodity flow problem in directed graphs with symmetric demand pairs (SymANF). The input consists of a directed graph \(G=(V,E)\) and a collection of (unordered) pairs of nodes \(\mathcal M=\{s_1t_1,s_2t_2,\dots,s_kt_k\}\). A subset \(\mathcal M'\) of the pairs is routable if there is a feasible multicommodity flow in \(G\) such that, for each pair \(s_it_i\in\mathcal M'\), the amount of flow from \(s_i\) to \(t_i\) is at least one and the amount of flow from \(t_i\) to \(s_i\) is at least one. The goal is to find a maximum cardinality subset of the given pairs that can be routed. Our main result is a poly-logarithmic approximation with constant congestion for SymANF. We obtain this result by extending the well-linked decomposition framework of C. Chekuri et al. [in: Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM symposium on theory of computing, STOC’05. Baltimore, MD, USA, May 22–24, 2005. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 183–192 (2005; Zbl 1192.90017)] to the directed graph setting with symmetric demand pairs. We point out the importance of studying routing problems in this setting and the relevance of our result to future work.


90B10 Deterministic network models in operations research
05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments
05C21 Flows in graphs
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks


Zbl 1192.90017


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