
Fast community detection by SCORE. (English) Zbl 1310.62076

Summary: Consider a network where the nodes split into \(K\) different communities. The community labels for the nodes are unknown and it is of major interest to estimate them (i.e., community detection). Degree Corrected Block Model (DCBM) is a popular network model. How to detect communities with the DCBM is an interesting problem, where the main challenge lies in the degree heterogeneity.
We propose a new approach to community detection which we call the Spectral Clustering On Ratios-of-Eigenvectors (SCORE). Compared to classical spectral methods, the main innovation is to use the entry-wise ratios between the first leading eigenvector and each of the other leading eigenvectors for clustering. Let \(A\) be the adjacency matrix of the network. We first obtain the \(K\) leading eigenvectors of \(A\), say, \(\widehat\eta_1,\dots, \widehat\eta_K\), and let \(\widehat R\) be then \(n\times(K-1)\) matrix such that \(\widehat R(i, k)=\widehat\eta_{k+ 1}(i)/\widehat\eta_1(i)\), \(1\leq i\leq n\), \(1\leq k\leq K- 1\). We then use \(k\) for clustering by applying the \(k\)-means method.
The central surprise is, the effect of degree heterogeneity is largely ancillary, and can be effectively removed by taking entry-wise ratios between \(\widehat\eta_{k+1}\) and \(\widehat\eta_1\), \(1\leq k\leq K-1\).
The method is successfully applied to the web blogs data and the karate club data, with error rates of 58/1222 and 1/34, respectively. These results are more satisfactory than those by the classical spectral methods. Additionally, compared to modularity methods, SCORE is easier to implement, computationally faster, and also has smaller error rates.
We develop a theoretic framework where we show that under mild conditions, the SCORE stably yields consistent community detection. In the core of the analysis is the recent development on random matrix theory, where the matrix-form Bernstein inequality is especially helpful.


62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)
91C20 Clustering in the social and behavioral sciences
62P25 Applications of statistics to social sciences
91D30 Social networks; opinion dynamics


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