
Cubature formulas, geometrical designs, reproducing kernels, and Markov operators. (English) Zbl 1124.05019

Bartholdi, Laurent (ed.) et al., Infinite groups: geometric, combinatorial and dynamical aspects. Based on the international conference on group theory: geometric, combinatorial and dynamical aspects of infinite groups, Gaeta, Italy, June 1–6, 2003. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 3-7643-7446-2/hbk). Progress in Mathematics 248, 219-267 (2005).
Authors’ abstract: Cubature formulas and geometrical designs are described in terms of reproducing kernels for Hilbert spaces of functions on the one hand, and Markov operators associated to orthogonal group representations on the other hand. In this way, several known results for spheres in Eucledean spaces, involving cubature formulas for polynomial functions and spherical designs, are shown to generalize to large classes of finite measure spaces \((\Omega,\sigma)\) and appropriate spaces of functions inside \(L^2(\Omega,\sigma)\). The last section points out how spherical designs are related to a class of reflection groups which are (in general dense) subgroups of orthogonal groups.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1083.20500].


05B30 Other designs, configurations
20F55 Reflection and Coxeter groups (group-theoretic aspects)
65D32 Numerical quadrature and cubature formulas
46E22 Hilbert spaces with reproducing kernels (= (proper) functional Hilbert spaces, including de Branges-Rovnyak and other structured spaces)