
Criteria for unit groups in commutative group rings. (English) Zbl 1120.16302

Summary: Suppose \(G\) is an arbitrary Abelian group and \(F\) is a field of \(\text{char\,}F=p\neq 0\). In the present paper criteria are found the group of all units \(UF[G]\) in the group ring \(F[G]\) and its subgroup \(VF[G]\) of normed units to belong to some central classes of Abelian groups under minimal restrictions on \(F\) and \(G\).


16U60 Units, groups of units (associative rings and algebras)
16S34 Group rings
20K10 Torsion groups, primary groups and generalized primary groups
20K20 Torsion-free groups, infinite rank
20K21 Mixed groups