
Free ideal rings and localization in general rings. (English) Zbl 1114.16001

New Mathematical Monographs 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-521-85337-0/hbk; 0-511-22306-4/ebook). xxii, 572 p. £ 70.00; $ 140.00; $ 112.00/e-book (2006).
Free ideal rings can be regarded as a natural and non-commutative generalization of principal ideal domains. Recently there has been a surprising increase in non-commutative theories, and in this book, the author has reorganized his previous book ‘Free rings and their relations’ [2nd ed., 1985; Zbl 0659.16001] with many improvements. The theory of skew field extensions has been omitted, since a fuller account is now available in the same author’s book ‘Skew fields. Theory of general division rings’ [Encycl. Math. Appl. 57. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press (1995; Zbl 0840.16001)].
The central part of the book is Chapter 7, which studies the homomorphisms of rings into skew fields. For a commutative ring such homomorphisms are described completely in terms of prime ideals, and the reader will find a similar but less obvious non-commutative description here.
In the remaining 6 chapters the theory of free ideal rings is developed, and their similarity to principal ideal domains is stressed. Therefore the author devotes Chapter 1 to recalling the properties of principal ideal domains. Chapter 2 introduces the main topic, free ideal rings, which frequently satisfy a weak algorithm relative to a filtration. Chapter 3 discusses a non-commutative analogue of the unique factorization property of principal ideal domains. Chapter 4 argues that the factors of any element form a modular lattice, which is even distributive in the case of free algebras. Chapter 5 deals with a non-commutative generalization of finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains. Chapter 6 examines centers, centralizers and subalgebras.


16-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to associative rings and algebras
16E60 Semihereditary and hereditary rings, free ideal rings, Sylvester rings, etc.
16S90 Torsion theories; radicals on module categories (associative algebraic aspects)
16U10 Integral domains (associative rings and algebras)
16S10 Associative rings determined by universal properties (free algebras, coproducts, adjunction of inverses, etc.)
16K40 Infinite-dimensional and general division rings
16U30 Divisibility, noncommutative UFDs