
Periodic homogenization for inertial particles. (English) Zbl 1100.82023

The authors consider the movement of an inertial particle, i.e. a particle with mass, in a periodic velocity field \(v\) described by the equation \[ \tau \ddot x = v(x) -\dot x + \sigma \dot \beta \tag{1} \] where \(\beta(t)\) denotes the standard Brownian motion in \({\mathbb R}^d\), \(d\geq 1\). Within a formal framework it is shown that the behaviour at large scales and long times is governed by an effective diffusion equation. Furthermore, the effective diffusivity tensor is calculated.
In order to derive the effective differential equation time and space are rescaled according to \(t\to{t/ \varepsilon^2}\) and \(x\to x/\varepsilon\) modifying thereby equation (1). For the solution \(u^{\varepsilon}\) of the associated backward Kolmogorov equation a multiple scale expansion ansatz is made: \[ u^{\varepsilon}= u_{0} + \varepsilon u_{1} + \varepsilon^2 u_{2} + \ldots \] leading under appropriate conditions on the velocity field to the results. The expansion is justified by the hypoellipticity of the underlying differential equation which is proved in an appendix.
The results are compared with those for a passive tracer, that is a massless particle, as well as with numerical results obtained for the Taylor-Green field \(v_{TG}\) using among other things Monte Carlo simulations. Eventually, details for special fields (incompressible fluid, potential field) and the dependence on the Stokes number \(\tau\) are discussed.


82C70 Transport processes in time-dependent statistical mechanics
82C80 Numerical methods of time-dependent statistical mechanics (MSC2010)
35B27 Homogenization in context of PDEs; PDEs in media with periodic structure
76M35 Stochastic analysis applied to problems in fluid mechanics
76M50 Homogenization applied to problems in fluid mechanics
76F25 Turbulent transport, mixing


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