
\((p,k)\)-coloring problems in line graphs. (English) Zbl 1086.05029

Summary: The \((p,k)\)-coloring problems generalize the usual coloring problem by replacing stable sets by cliques and stable sets. Complexities of some variations of \((p,k)\)-coloring problems (split-coloring and cocoloring) are studied in line graphs; polynomial algorithms or proofs of NP-completeness are given according to the complexity status. We show that the most general \((p,k)\)-coloring problems are more difficult than the cocoloring and the split-coloring problems while there is no such relation between the last two problems. We also give complexity results for the problem of finding a maximum \((p,k)\)-colorable subgraph in line graphs. Finally, upper bounds on the optimal values are derived in general graphs by sequential algorithms based on Welsh–Powell and Matula orderings.


05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
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