
Prime numbers of the form \([n^2]\). (English) Zbl 0987.11052

Let \(\pi_c(x)= |\{n\leq x: [n^c]\) is a prime number\(\}|\), where \(c>1\) and \([t]\) denotes the integral part of \(t\). The authors prove the inequality \(\pi_c(x)\gg x/c\log x\) for \(1< c< 243/205\approx 1.18536\) and \(x\geq x_0(c)\). They use sieve methods combined with estimates of exponential sums. To obtain the desired result, some numerical calculations are necessary which have be done with the aid of Maple.


11L07 Estimates on exponential sums
11N05 Distribution of primes
11N25 Distribution of integers with specified multiplicative constraints
11N36 Applications of sieve methods


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