
Estimation of the second derivatives on the boundary for surfaces evolving under the influence of their principal curvatures. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0893.35053

St. Petersbg. Math. J. 9, No. 2, 199-217 (1998); translation from Algebra Anal. 9, No. 2, 30-50 (1997).
Authors’ summary: “For the admissible solutions \(u:\overline Q\to \mathbb{R}^1\) of the first initial-boundary value problem for nonlinear equations of the form \[ -u_t+ \sqrt{1+ u^2_x} S_m^{1/m} \bigl(k(u))= g\sqrt{1+u^2_x},\;m=2, \dots,n, \] a majorant for the absolute values of the second derivatives with respect to the spatial variables is evaluated on the parabolic boundary of the domain \(Q=\Omega \times(0,T)\), \(\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n\). In these equations, \(S_m\) is the \(m\)th elementary symmetric function, \(k(u)(x,t)= (k_1(u), \dots, k_n(u))(x,t)\) are the principal curvatures of the surfaces \({\mathcal T}_t(u): x_{n+1}= u(x,t)\), \(x\in \Omega\), in \(\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\), and \(g:\overline Q\to \mathbb{R}^1\) is a given function. A majorant \(M_1\) for \(\sup_Q | u_x|\) and two positive constants \(\underline M\) and \(\overline M\) in the inequalities \(0<\underline M\leq (u_t+g \sqrt{1+u^2_x}) (x,t)\leq \overline M\), \((x,t)\in \overline Q\), are viewed as known”.


35K60 Nonlinear initial, boundary and initial-boundary value problems for linear parabolic equations
35B45 A priori estimates in context of PDEs