Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sollicitudin interdum ligula, in
laoreet mi congue ut. Cras nec quam vel erat maximus euismod id sit amet dolor. Vivamus ullamcorper tincidunt vulputate. Fusce at volutpat lorem. Integer faucibus nisl mi, id sagittis velit dictum in. Cras blandit.
the lotus flower blooms in the mud
too much sun
In the end, we conserve only what we love; we love only what we understand; and we understand only what we are taught.
my botanical romance


You are viewing the preview of neon, a tumblr theme by xuethms. Neon is a contained theme which features animated floral features and other decorative elements, for a maximalist, scrapbook-like design. An alternative dark mode preview is also available at @xue-eon. Credits: sidebar, icon.
Theme Features

Neon is a contained theme which features animated floral features and other decorative elements, creating a maximalist, scrapbook-like design — Perfect for those who want a more artistic blog theme!

You can view the alternate preview here.


This page provides an overview of all customisation options. For step-by-step help on how to customise specific elements of the theme, please see the tutorials below:



  • Centralised contained theme.
  • Choose a main accent colour that is seen throughout the theme. It’s straightforward to customise the rest of the theme appearance.
  • Customised scrollbar, text highlight, hover tooltips. You can edit the bold, italic, and linked text formatting.
  • Many decorative elements.
  • Flower elements scattered across the theme. Can make them animated or non-animated, and there are three different petal shapes.
  • Up to five featured tags.


  • Sidebar image. Automatically cropped and centered.
  • Three “sidebar short intro phrases” which give you space to write three points about yourself; they have hover effects.
  • Quote below the sidebar image.
  • Simple and elegant navigation icons. Can display message, askbox, and submit icons (if enabled) through a sliding animation. Built-in searchbar hidden via a smooth sliding animation. Can show follow button in navigation icons too.
  • User profile features your avatar, a mini update icon, another title, username, description, and your custom links.
  • 15 choices for your custom link icon.


  • Pinned posts are highlighted and a pin icon is shown in the post header.
  • Three post styles available: 1 column 500px, 1 column 400px, and 2 column 250px.
  • Every post type is uniquely styled.
  • Customised tag pages and search pages.
  • Jump pagination is at the bottom of all your posts.

Theme Options


  • Background image: Could be a repeated background or a wallpaper. If wallpaper, remember to toggle the “Wallpaper Background” option below.
  • Favicon: The lil’ icon that goes into your browser tab. If you upload a custom favicon here, you need to toggle the “Custom Favicon” option below.
  • Sidebar image: Will be automatically cropped and centered to fit the space.

SELECTION OPTIONS (selected options in this preview indicated by an asterisk*)

  • Main Font: Karla* / Nunito / Ubuntu / Poppins / Open Sans / Roboto
  • Custom Links Icon: Signpost* / Apps / Open book / Bookmark / Contacts / Controls / Floppy disc / Gift / Link / Map / Menu / Notes / Pencil / Pin / Quotation mark
  • Big Title Text Direction: Horizontal* / Vertical
  • Flower Rotation Speed: No spin / Fast / Default* / Slow
  • Flower Petal Shape: Default* / Pointed / Rounded
  • Status Icon: Active* / Update / Inactive / Options / Pencil
  • Post Size: 500px (1 column) / 400px (1 column) / 250px (2 column)*
  • Photo Lightbox: light* / dark
  • Photoset Grid Gap: 0px / 3px / 5px* / 10px
  • List Style: Roman numerals / Hiragana* / Numbers / Alphabets
  • Shorten Note Count: 24,351 notes / 24k notes*
  • Tumblr Controls: White* / Grey / Black

ON/OFF TOGGLES (Selected options in brackets)

  • Wallpaper Background (off): Turn on if you want to stretch your Background Image over the full background.
  • Custom Favicon (off): Turn on if you want to upload your own custom favicon.
  • Show Status Icon (off): Turn on to have an icon appear in the “orbit” of your avatar, and hover over it to show a special status message.
  • Show Follow Button (on): Adds a follow button to your blog navigation icons.
  • Show Message Button (on): Adds the message button to your blog navigation icons.
  • Content Box Shadow (on): Adds a box shadow to your sidebar image and the content window, the colour will be your accent colour but translucent.
  • Show Captions on Index (off): Turn on to show captions on the index page. Captions will appear as normal on permalink pages.
  • Permalink Show Day of Week (off): Shows “Monday”/”Thursday”/etc at the top of each post.
  • Permalink Show Time (on): Show the time of posting at the top of each post.
  • Show Tags on Index (off): When on, tags are visible at the bottom of posts. Tags are always visible on permalink pages.


  • Browser Tab Title: The name of the browser tab.
  • Blog Title Cappuccicon: Go to cappuccicons and pick your favourite icon. Paste the icon name here (e.g, “pancake” or “shell-o”) and that icon will go next to your blog title.
  • Profile Title: The title that appears in your user profile, net to your avatar.
  • Big Title: This is the text that appears to the right of the main content window. Keep it short.
  • Status Message: The message that appears when you hover over the status icon next to your avatar. Make sure you first enable the “Show Status Icon” option first.
  • Sidebar Quote: This quote goes under your sidebar image. A scrollbar will appear if it gets too long, but it looks nice when there is no scrollbar.
  • Short Intro ½/3: These are the short floating phrases that are overlain on top of your sidebar image. Keep them short.
  • Featured Tag ½/ž/5: Add up to five featured tags that float above the main window content.


Thanks for installing xuethms' Neon theme!

Please take note of the following terms of use:

  1. Do not edit and/or remove the visual and in-code credits.
  2. Do not reupload my codes and designs on tumblr or other platforms.
  3. Do not use my codes on platforms other than tumblr without permission.
  4. Do not steal any portion of my codes for personal/commercial use.

I appreciate you wholeheartedly if you could like & reblog my post promoting this code, and 100x more if you donated to my ko-fi to support my work. Feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issues with the code.

To agree to these terms and remove this pop-up, scroll down to the Terms of Use selection option (below all the colour options), and select agree to terms.
Lost? Click here for a step-by-step visual demo!