Author ID: ronen.amir Recent zbMATH articles by "Ronen, Amir"
Published as: Ronen, Amir; Ronen, A.
Documents Indexed: 10 Publications since 1997
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 9 Joint Publications
317 Co-Co-Authors
all top 5

Cited by 393 Authors

11 Koutsoupias, Elias
11 Penna, Paolo
10 Ventre, Carmine
9 Feigenbaum, Joan
8 Nisan, Noam
8 Shenker, Scott J.
7 Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos
7 Sami, Rahul
6 Giannakopoulos, Yiannis
5 Auletta, Vincenzo
5 Christodoulou, George C.
5 Dobzinski, Shahar
5 Gonen, Rica
5 Parkes, David C.
5 Proietti, Guido
4 Chen, Xujin
4 Epstein, Leah
4 Feldman, Michal
4 Krysta, Piotr
4 Lerner, Anat
4 Lu, Pinyan
4 Ronen, Amir
4 van Stee, Rob
4 Vidali, Angelina
4 Wattenhofer, Roger P.
4 Ye, Deshi
4 Zhang, Guochuan
3 Angel, Eric
3 Babaioff, Moshe
3 Bampis, Evripidis
3 Caragiannis, Ioannis
3 Deng, Xiao-Tie
3 Fiat, Amos
3 Filos-Ratsikas, Aris
3 Gualà, Luciano
3 Hartline, Jason D.
3 Kleinberg, Robert D.
3 Kovács, Annamária
3 Kupferman, Orna
3 Kyropoulou, Maria
3 Lavi, Ron
3 Li, Minming
3 Mu’alem, Ahuva
3 Narahari, Yadati
3 Pascual, Fanny
3 Persiano, Giuseppe
3 Roughgarden, Tim
3 Schapira, Michael
3 Schmid, Stefan
3 Tennenholtz, Moshe
3 Vöcking, Berthold
3 Widmayer, Peter
3 Zhang, Jie
2 Agarwal, Richa
2 Azar, Yossi
2 Berg, Kimmo
2 Bilò, Davide
2 Bilò, Vittorio
2 Blumrosen, Liad
2 Borodin, Allan B.
2 Briest, Patrick
2 Buchbinder, Niv
2 Carroll, Thomas E.
2 Chen, Ning
2 Chen, Xin
2 Conitzer, Vincent
2 De Prisco, Roberto
2 Ding, Yuan
2 Ehtamo, Harri
2 Eidenbenz, Raphael
2 Emek, Yuval
2 Ergun, Ozlem
2 Fang, Qizhi
2 Ferraioli, Diodato
2 Flammini, Michele
2 Gamzu, Iftah
2 Gao, Yansong
2 Gatti, Nicola
2 Gerding, Enrico H.
2 Gravin, Nick
2 Grosu, Daniel
2 Hoefer, Martin
2 Immorlica, Nicole
2 Jennings, Nicholas R.
2 Karlin, Anna R.
2 Kollias, Konstantinos
2 Kress, Dominik
2 Krishnamurthy, Arvind
2 Lazos, Philip
2 Li, Xiangyang
2 Liu, Wenjing
2 Lucier, Brendan
2 Meiswinkel, Sebastian
2 Meyerson, Adam
2 Moscardelli, Luca
2 Naor, Joseph Seffi
2 Perelli, Giuseppe
2 Pesch, Erwin
2 Procaccia, Ariel D.
2 Rocco, Marco
...and 293 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 52 Serials

32 Theoretical Computer Science
16 Games and Economic Behavior
11 Algorithmica
9 Theory of Computing Systems
7 Artificial Intelligence
6 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
6 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
5 European Journal of Operational Research
4 Information and Computation
4 Distributed Computing
4 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
3 Mathematics of Operations Research
3 Journal of Scheduling
2 Information Processing Letters
2 Journal of Economic Theory
2 SIAM Journal on Computing
2 Operations Research Letters
2 Computers & Operations Research
2 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
2 Annals of Operations Research
2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
2 Economic Theory
2 Sādhanā
2 OR Spectrum
2 Games
2 Computer Science Review
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 Automatica
1 Econometrica
1 Journal of Mathematical Economics
1 Operations Research
1 Opsearch
1 Combinatorica
1 International Journal of Production Research
1 Random Structures & Algorithms
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Computational Economics
1 Constraints
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Optimization Methods & Software
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Journal of the ACM
1 International Game Theory Review
1 Review of Economic Design
1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
1 4OR
1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms
1 Parallel Processing Letters
1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
1 ACM Transactions on Algorithms
1 Computability

Citations by Year