Author ID: li.stan-z Recent zbMATH articles by "Li, Stan Z."
Published as: Li, Stan Z.; Li, Stan

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

13 Publications have been cited 129 times in 124 Documents Cited by Year
Markov random field modeling in image analysis. 3rd ed. Zbl 1183.68691
Li, Stan Z.
Markov random field modeling in image analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 0978.68130
Li, Stan Z.
Handbook of face recognition. 2nd revised and expanded ed. Zbl 1230.68002
1D-LDA vs. 2D-LDA: When is vector-based linear discriminant analysis better than matrix-based? Zbl 1138.68051
Zheng, Wei-Shi; Lai, J. H.; Li, Stan Z.
Handbook of face recognition. Zbl 1066.68115
Statistical learning of multi-view face detection. Zbl 1039.68673
Li, Stan Z.; Zhu, LiLong; Zhang, ZhenQiu; Blake, Andrew; Zhang, HongJiang; Shum, Harry
Dynamics of a mean-shift-like algorithm and its applications on clustering. Zbl 1259.68177
Liu, Yiguang; Li, Stan Z.; Wu, Wei; Huang, Ronggang
Adaptive sampling and mesh generation. Zbl 0822.65009
Li, S. Z.
Regularized discriminative spectral regression method for heterogeneous face matching. Zbl 1373.94178
Huang, Xiangsheng; Lei, Zhen; Fan, Mingyu; Wang, Xiao; Li, Stan Z.
Toward 3D vision from range images: An optimization framework and parallel networks. Zbl 0780.68135
Li, S. Z.
Automatic 3D face recognition from depth and intensity Gabor features. Zbl 1192.68618
Xu, Chenghua; Li, Stan; Tan, Tieniu; Quan, Long
Perturbation LDA: Learning the difference between the class empirical mean and its expectation. Zbl 1178.68523
Zheng, Wei-Shi; Lai, J. H.; Yuen, Pong C.; Li, Stan Z.
Robust deformable and occluded object tracking with dynamic graph. Zbl 1374.94053
Cai, Zhaowei; Wen, Longyin; Lei, Zhen; Vasconcelos, Nuno; Li, Stan Z.
Robust deformable and occluded object tracking with dynamic graph. Zbl 1374.94053
Cai, Zhaowei; Wen, Longyin; Lei, Zhen; Vasconcelos, Nuno; Li, Stan Z.
Dynamics of a mean-shift-like algorithm and its applications on clustering. Zbl 1259.68177
Liu, Yiguang; Li, Stan Z.; Wu, Wei; Huang, Ronggang
Regularized discriminative spectral regression method for heterogeneous face matching. Zbl 1373.94178
Huang, Xiangsheng; Lei, Zhen; Fan, Mingyu; Wang, Xiao; Li, Stan Z.
Handbook of face recognition. 2nd revised and expanded ed. Zbl 1230.68002
Markov random field modeling in image analysis. 3rd ed. Zbl 1183.68691
Li, Stan Z.
Automatic 3D face recognition from depth and intensity Gabor features. Zbl 1192.68618
Xu, Chenghua; Li, Stan; Tan, Tieniu; Quan, Long
Perturbation LDA: Learning the difference between the class empirical mean and its expectation. Zbl 1178.68523
Zheng, Wei-Shi; Lai, J. H.; Yuen, Pong C.; Li, Stan Z.
1D-LDA vs. 2D-LDA: When is vector-based linear discriminant analysis better than matrix-based? Zbl 1138.68051
Zheng, Wei-Shi; Lai, J. H.; Li, Stan Z.
Handbook of face recognition. Zbl 1066.68115
Statistical learning of multi-view face detection. Zbl 1039.68673
Li, Stan Z.; Zhu, LiLong; Zhang, ZhenQiu; Blake, Andrew; Zhang, HongJiang; Shum, Harry
Markov random field modeling in image analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 0978.68130
Li, Stan Z.
Adaptive sampling and mesh generation. Zbl 0822.65009
Li, S. Z.
Toward 3D vision from range images: An optimization framework and parallel networks. Zbl 0780.68135
Li, S. Z.
all top 5

Cited by 360 Authors

4 Liu, Shengli
3 Collet, Christophe
3 Fu, Jinlong
3 Li, Ming
3 Rivera, Mariano
3 Wen, Yunhua
3 Yang, Jingyu
2 Bae, Egil
2 Boykov, Yuri
2 Bromberg, Facundo
2 Chen, Shengyong
2 Dalmau, Oscar
2 Fan, Yanan
2 Han, Shuai
2 Ip, Ryan H. L.
2 Kim, Jaihie
2 Lafarge, Florent
2 Lee, Sangyoun
2 Li, Chenfeng
2 Li, Shulan
2 Li, Stan Z.
2 Massam, Helene M.
2 Peyrard, Nathalie
2 Schlüter, Federico
2 Tai, Xuecheng
2 Toh, Kar-Ann
2 Tong, Hanyang
2 Verdié, Yannick
2 Wu, K. Y. K.
2 Wu, Yan
2 Xiao, Dunhui
2 Yuan, Jing
2 Zhang, David D.
2 Zhang, Lei
2 Zhao, Jianhua
2 Zhu, Wanchuang
1 Abrial, David
1 Abrishami-Moghaddam, Hamid
1 Afkham, Babak Maboudi
1 Alba, Alfonso
1 Alberola-López, Carlos
1 Alden, Matthew
1 Alghamdi, Amal Mohammed A
1 Alirezaie, Javad
1 Aliyari Ghassabeh, Youness
1 Alliez, Pierre
1 An, Lin
1 Arce-Santana, Edgar R.
1 Arlazarov, Vladimir Viktorovich
1 Baran, Remigiusz
1 Barnard, Harold S.
1 Bastawros, Ashraf-F.
1 Belcaid, Anass
1 Belkbir, H.
1 Ben Ayed, Ismail
1 Betsch, Steffen
1 Biswas, Bhaskar
1 Black, Michael J.
1 Blei, David M.
1 Bootle, Jonathan
1 Boudaren, Mohamed El Yazid
1 Bouguila, Nizar
1 Calatroni, Luca
1 Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, Pablo
1 Cattani, Carlo
1 Cen, Song
1 Chainais, Pierre
1 Chang, Chin-Chun
1 Charras-Garrido, Myriam
1 Chen, Hsin-Yi
1 Chen, Ting-Li
1 Chen, Wenmin
1 Chen, Yuhuan
1 Chen, Zehua
1 Cheng, Hongju
1 Cheng, Jie
1 Chow, Tommy W. S.
1 Christensen, Silja L.
1 Clemmensen, Line
1 Collins, Christopher M.
1 Cordero-Grande, Lucilio
1 Courbot, Jean-Baptiste
1 Cros, Marie-Josée
1 Cui, Shaoqing
1 Cunningham, John P.
1 Dachian, Sergueï
1 Darbon, Jerome
1 de Givry, Simon
1 De Goër, Jocelyn
1 Delaplace, Claire
1 Delgado, David
1 Didaci, Luca
1 Dimitrijev, Sima
1 Dobigeon, Nicolas
1 Dobson, Katherine J.
1 Dziech, Andrzej
1 Ebner, Bruno
1 Edera, Alejandro
1 Eftekhari, Armin
1 Espitau, Thomas
...and 260 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 66 Serials

21 Pattern Recognition
5 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
5 International Journal of Computer Vision
4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
3 Information Sciences
3 Theoretical Computer Science
3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 Inverse Problems
2 Information Processing Letters
2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
2 Machine Learning
2 SIAM Review
2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
2 Signal, Image and Video Processing
2 Inverse Problems and Imaging
2 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 The Annals of Statistics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Numerische Mathematik
1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
1 Statistics & Probability Letters
1 ACM Transactions on Graphics
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 Neural Networks
1 Signal Processing
1 Neural Computation
1 The Annals of Applied Probability
1 Applications of Mathematics
1 Journal of Global Optimization
1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
1 Computational Statistics
1 Automation and Remote Control
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1 Test
1 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 PAA. Pattern Analysis and Applications
1 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Biostatistics
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
1 Science in China. Series F
1 Statistical Methodology
1 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A
1 Optimization Letters
1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Mathematical Geosciences
1 Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Programmirovanie
1 Algorithms
1 Science China. Technological Sciences
1 Sankhyā. Series A
1 Bayesian Analysis

Citations by Year