
Larchevêque, Michèle

Author ID: larcheveque.michele Recent zbMATH articles by "Larchevêque, Michèle"
Published as: Larchevêque, Michèle; Larcheveque, M.; Larchevêque, M.; Larcheveque, Michele
Documents Indexed: 12 Publications since 1980
Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
428 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

9 Publications have been cited 124 times in 117 Documents Cited by Year
Fractional Fokker-Planck equation for nonlinear stochastic differential equations driven by non-Gaussian Lévy stable noises. Zbl 1006.60052
Schertzer, D.; Larchevêque, M.; Duan, J.; Yanovsky, V. V.; Lovejoy, S.
A comparative assessment of spectral closures as applied to passive scalar diffusion. Zbl 0504.76059
Herring, J. R.; Schertzer, D.; Lesieur, M.; Newman, G. R.; Chollet, J. P.; Larcheveque, M.
Équation de Monge-Ampère et écoulements incompressibles bidimensionnels. (The Monge-Ampère equation and two-dimensional incompressible flows). Zbl 0704.76026
Larchevêque, Michèle
Pressure field, vorticity field, and coherent structures in two- dimensional incompressible turbulent flows. Zbl 0784.76032
Larchevêque, Michèle
The application of eddy-damped Markovian closures to the problem of dispersion of particle pairs. Zbl 0492.76062
Larcheveque, M.; Lesieur, M.
Pressure fluctuations and Lagrangian accelerations in two-dimensional incompressible isotropic turbulence. Zbl 0697.76069
Larchevêque, M.
Spiral vortices in compressible turbulent flows. Zbl 1184.76186
Gomez, T.; Politano, H.; Pouquet, A.; Larchevêque, M.
Identification of organized structures in two-dimensional turbulence. (Identification des structures organisées en écoulement bidimensionnel.) Zbl 0930.76026
Herbert, Vincent; Larchevêque, Michèle; Staquet, Chantal
Two-point closure applied to a passive scalar in decaying isotropic turbulence. Zbl 0456.76042
Larcheveque, M.; Chollet, J. P.; Herring, J. R.; Lesieur, M.; Newman, G. R.; Schertzer, D.
Fractional Fokker-Planck equation for nonlinear stochastic differential equations driven by non-Gaussian Lévy stable noises. Zbl 1006.60052
Schertzer, D.; Larchevêque, M.; Duan, J.; Yanovsky, V. V.; Lovejoy, S.
Spiral vortices in compressible turbulent flows. Zbl 1184.76186
Gomez, T.; Politano, H.; Pouquet, A.; Larchevêque, M.
Identification of organized structures in two-dimensional turbulence. (Identification des structures organisées en écoulement bidimensionnel.) Zbl 0930.76026
Herbert, Vincent; Larchevêque, Michèle; Staquet, Chantal
Pressure field, vorticity field, and coherent structures in two- dimensional incompressible turbulent flows. Zbl 0784.76032
Larchevêque, Michèle
Équation de Monge-Ampère et écoulements incompressibles bidimensionnels. (The Monge-Ampère equation and two-dimensional incompressible flows). Zbl 0704.76026
Larchevêque, Michèle
Pressure fluctuations and Lagrangian accelerations in two-dimensional incompressible isotropic turbulence. Zbl 0697.76069
Larchevêque, M.
A comparative assessment of spectral closures as applied to passive scalar diffusion. Zbl 0504.76059
Herring, J. R.; Schertzer, D.; Lesieur, M.; Newman, G. R.; Chollet, J. P.; Larcheveque, M.
The application of eddy-damped Markovian closures to the problem of dispersion of particle pairs. Zbl 0492.76062
Larcheveque, M.; Lesieur, M.
Two-point closure applied to a passive scalar in decaying isotropic turbulence. Zbl 0456.76042
Larcheveque, M.; Chollet, J. P.; Herring, J. R.; Lesieur, M.; Newman, G. R.; Schertzer, D.
all top 5

Cited by 191 Authors

16 Duan, Jinqiao
11 Dybiec, Bartłomiej
5 Collins, Lance R.
5 Li, Xiaofan
4 Bos, Wouter J. T.
4 Capała, Karol
4 Kazakevičius, Rytis
4 Ruseckas, Julius
4 Sokolov, Igor’ Mikhaĭlovich
3 Bertoglio, Jean-Pierre
3 Chechkin, Aleksei V.
3 Kurths, Jürgen
3 Liu, Jicheng
3 Liu, Xianming
3 Métais, Olivier
3 Metzler, Ralf
3 Sun, Xu
3 Szczepaniec, Krzysztof
3 Wang, Xiao
3 Warma, Mahamadi
3 Xu, Yong
3 Zan, Wanrong
2 Basdevant, Claude
2 Cesbron, Ludovic
2 Chen, Yao
2 Frost, V. A.
2 Gao, Ting
2 Huang, Qiao
2 Kloeden, Peter Eris
2 Nakauchi, Norihiko
2 Oshima, Hiroshi
2 Pogorzelec, Przemysław
2 Saito, Yoshio
2 Ulitsky, Mark S.
2 Vaithianathan, T.
2 Wang, Lianping
2 Wang, Xudong
2 Xia, Yanjun
2 Zhang, Yanjie
2 Zheng, Yayun
1 Abdel-Rehim, Entsar A.
1 Aceves-Sánchez, Pedro
1 Al-Azzawi, Shahad Saadi Mahdi
1 Alexakis, Alexandros
1 Althobaiti, Saad
1 Anselmet, Fabien
1 Antonia, Robert Anthony
1 Babenko, V. A.
1 Babiano, Armando
1 Balarac, Guillaume
1 Bao, Jingdong
1 Bartello, Peter
1 Berera, Arjun
1 Boffetta, Guido
1 Briard, Antoine
1 Brun, Christophe
1 Cambon, Claude
1 Cao, Junfei
1 Caraballo Garrido, Tomás
1 Chasnov, Jeffrey R.
1 Chen, Huiqin
1 Chen, Xi
1 Cheng, Xiujun
1 Chibbaro, Sergio
1 Chollet, Jean-Pierre
1 Creusé, Emmanuel
1 da Silva, Carlos Bettencourt
1 Danaila, Luminita
1 Dang-Tran, Khoa
1 Das, Susanta K.
1 de Marinis, Dario
1 Deng, Weihua
1 Di Vita, Andrea
1 Do Khac, Minh
1 Dubey, Ravi Shanker
1 Dubkov, Alexander A.
1 Falkovich, Gregory
1 Fan, Wenping
1 Gal, Ciprian Gheorghe Sorin
1 Ghenaï, Chaouki
1 Gökalp, Iskender
1 Gomez, Thomas
1 Gorenflo, Rudolf
1 Gudowska-Nowak, Ewa
1 Hahn, Marjorie Green
1 Haller, George
1 Herr, Stacy
1 Herring, Jackson R.
1 Ho, Richard D. J. G.
1 Holloway, Greg
1 Hua, Bach Lien
1 Huang, Yanghong
1 Huang, Zaitang
1 Jia, Wantao
1 Jiang, Xiaoyun
1 Jin, Yanfei
1 Kadoch, Benjamin
1 Kalliadasis, Serafim
1 Kang, Hyung Suk
1 Kang, Yanmei
...and 91 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 53 Serials

15 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
11 Physics of Fluids
8 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
7 Chaos
5 Physica D
4 Physica A
4 Journal of Turbulence
4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
3 Journal of Mathematical Physics
3 Physics Reports
3 Physics of Fluids, A
3 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Fluid Dynamics
2 Journal of Computational Physics
2 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
2 Stochastics and Dynamics
1 Acta Mechanica
1 Computers and Fluids
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Nonlinearity
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Journal of Theoretical Probability
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
1 Potential Analysis
1 Fractals
1 Filomat
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
1 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
1 Combustion Theory and Modelling
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
1 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis
1 ISRN Mathematical Analysis
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
1 Statistics and Computing

Citations by Year