Author ID: jack.henry Recent zbMATH articles by "Jack, Henry"
Published as: Jack, Henry; Jack, H.
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1959
Biographic References: 2 Publications
Co-Authors: 1 Co-Author with 1 Joint Publication
6 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 79 times in 70 Documents Cited by Year
A class of symmetric polynomials with a parameter. Zbl 0198.04606
Jack, Henry
A surface integral and symmetric functions. Zbl 0282.33023
Jack, Henry
Jacobians of transformations involving orthogonal matrices. Zbl 0133.26203
Jack, H.
The volume of a certain set of matrices. Zbl 0087.01903
Jack, Henry; Macbeath, A. M.
A class of polynomials in search of a definition, or the symmetric group parametrized. Zbl 1143.33007
Jack, Henry
An integral over the interior of a simplex. Zbl 0112.04001
Jack, H.
The asymptotic value of the volume of a certain set of matrices. Zbl 0153.05401
Jack, Henry
A class of polynomials in search of a definition, or the symmetric group parametrized. Zbl 1143.33007
Jack, Henry
A surface integral and symmetric functions. Zbl 0282.33023
Jack, Henry
A class of symmetric polynomials with a parameter. Zbl 0198.04606
Jack, Henry
The asymptotic value of the volume of a certain set of matrices. Zbl 0153.05401
Jack, Henry
Jacobians of transformations involving orthogonal matrices. Zbl 0133.26203
Jack, H.
An integral over the interior of a simplex. Zbl 0112.04001
Jack, H.
The volume of a certain set of matrices. Zbl 0087.01903
Jack, Henry; Macbeath, A. M.
all top 5

Cited by 92 Authors

4 Dołęga, Maciej
4 Féray, Valentin
4 Śniady, Piotr
3 Dali, Houcine Ben
3 Forrester, Peter J.
3 Jing, Naihuan
3 Nishino, Akinori
3 Ujino, Hideaki
3 Wadati, Miki
2 Cai, Wuxing
2 Chapuy, Guillaume
2 Desrosiers, Patrick
2 Hallnäs, Martin A.
2 Kadell, Kevin W. J.
2 Lamers, Jules
2 Lapointe, Luc
2 Mathieu, Pierre
2 Nagao, Hisao
2 Neudecker, Heinz
2 Ridout, David
2 Sakamoto, Reiho
2 Serban, Didina
2 Sergeev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
2 Tout, Omar
2 Vassilieva, Ekaterina A.
2 Veselov, Alexander Petrovich
2 Wood, Simon James
1 Akemann, Gernot
1 Alexandersson, Per
1 Arnaudon, Daniel
1 Atai, Farrokh
1 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy
1 Baldoni-Silva, Maria Welleda
1 Belbachir, Hacene
1 Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille
1 Boussicault, Adrien
1 Bryc, Włodzimierz
1 Bufetov, Alekseĭ Igor’evich
1 Burchardt, Adam
1 Cai, Tommy Wuxing
1 Caro-Lopera, Francisco José
1 Czyżewska-Jankowska, Agnieszka
1 Diaconis, Persi Warren
1 Dolan, F. A.
1 Drmota, Michael
1 Dumitriu, Ioana
1 Edelman, Alan Stuart
1 Elizalde, Sergi
1 Frappat, Luc
1 González-Farías, Graciela M.
1 Goulden, Ian P.
1 Hanlon, Phil
1 Hashiguchi, Hiroki
1 Huang, Jiaoyang
1 Jackson, David M.
1 Kanunnikov, Andrei Leonidovich
1 Kanzieper, Eugene
1 Kaprzyk, S.
1 Kirillov, Alexander A. jun.
1 Koike, Kazuhiko
1 Kuznetsov, Vadim Borisovich
1 Langmann, Edwin
1 Letac, Gérard G.
1 Luque, Jean-Gabriel
1 Magnus, Jan R.
1 Mangazeev, Vladimir V.
1 Mickler, Ryan
1 Mironov, Andrei D.
1 Mishnyakov, Victor
1 Moll, Alexander C.
1 Morozov, Alexei Yurievich
1 Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi
1 Naqvi, Yusra
1 Olkin, Ingram
1 Osborn, Hugh
1 Pasquier, Vincent
1 Petrov, Leonid
1 Pillai, K. C. Sreedharan
1 Popolitov, Aleksandr
1 Ragoucy, Eric
1 Sampson, Allan R.
1 Shimizu, Koki
1 Shiraishi, Jun’ichi
1 Shuman, Gene
1 Siu, Steve
1 Sklyanin, Evgeny K.
1 Sra, Suvrit
1 Stanley, Richard Peter
1 Stembridge, John R.
1 Yu, Ming
1 Zhang, Jiyuan
1 Zhang, Xin
all top 5

Cited in 44 Serials

6 Nuclear Physics. B
6 Advances in Mathematics
6 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
3 Journal of Algebra
3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
3 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
2 Compositio Mathematica
2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
2 European Journal of Combinatorics
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Discrete Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
1 Physics Letters. A
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
1 Duke Mathematical Journal
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Journal of Number Theory
1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
1 Statistics & Probability Letters
1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods
1 Journal of Symbolic Computation
1 Probability Theory and Related Fields
1 Constructive Approximation
1 Journal of Theoretical Probability
1 Linear Algebra and its Applications
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
1 Journal of High Energy Physics
1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications
1 Algebraic Combinatorics

Citations by Year