
The RL/LLM taxonomy tree: reviewing synergies between reinforcement learning and large language models. (English) Zbl 07907417

Summary: In this work, we review research studies that combine Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Large Language Models (LLMs), two areas that owe their momentum to the development of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). We propose a novel taxonomy of three main classes based on the way that the two model types interact with each other. The first class, RL4LLM, includes studies where RL is leveraged to improve the performance of LLMs on tasks related to Natural Language Processing (NLP). RL4LLM is divided into two sub-categories depending on whether RL is used to directly fine-tune an existing LLM or to improve the prompt of the LLM. In the second class, LLM4RL, an LLM assists the training of an RL model that performs a task that is not inherently related to natural language. We further break down LLM4RL based on the component of the RL training framework that the LLM assists or replaces, namely reward shaping, goal generation, and policy function. Finally, in the third class, RL+LLM, an LLM and an RL agent are embedded in a common planning framework without either of them contributing to training or fine-tuning of the other. We further branch this class to distinguish between studies with and without natural language feedback. We use this taxonomy to explore the motivations behind the synergy of LLMs and RL and explain the reasons for its success, while pinpointing potential shortcomings and areas where further research is needed, as well as alternative methodologies that serve the same goal.


68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
68T50 Natural language processing
68T40 Artificial intelligence for robotics


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