
Application of continuous data assimilation in high-resolution ocean modeling. (English) Zbl 07893904

Summary: We demonstrate a formulation of the Azouani-Olson-Titi (AOT) algorithm in the MPAS-Ocean implementation of the primitive equations of the ocean, presenting global ocean simulations with realistic coastlines and bathymetry. We observe an exponentially fast decay in the error before reaching a certain error level, which depends on the terms involved and whether the AOT feedback control term was handled implicitly or explicitly. A wide range of errors was observed for both schemes, with the implicit scheme typically exhibiting lower error levels, depending on the specific physical terms included in the model. Several factors seem to be contributing to this wide range, but the vertical mixing term is demonstrated to be an especially problematic term. This study provides insight into the promises and challenges of adapting the AOT algorithm to the setting of high-resolution, realistic ocean models.


86A05 Hydrology, hydrography, oceanography
35F50 Systems of nonlinear first-order PDEs
35Q86 PDEs in connection with geophysics
37N10 Dynamical systems in fluid mechanics, oceanography and meteorology


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