
Preference swaps for the stable matching problem. (English) Zbl 07676483

Summary: An instance \(I\) of the Stable Matching Problem (SMP) is given by a bipartite graph with a preference list of neighbors for every vertex. A swap in \(I\) is the exchange of two consecutive vertices in a preference list. A swap can be viewed as a smallest perturbation of \(I\). Boehmer et al. (2021) designed a polynomial-time algorithm for finding the minimum number of swaps required to turn a given maximal matching into a stable matching. We generalize this result to the many-to-many version of SMP. We do so first by introducing a new representation of SMP as an extended bipartite graph and subsequently by reducing the problem to submodular minimization. It is a natural problem to establish the computational complexity of deciding whether at most \(k\) swaps are enough to turn \(I\) into an instance where one of the maximum matchings is stable. Using a hardness result of Gupta et al. (2020), we prove that this problem is NP-hard and, moreover, this problem parameterised by \(k\) is W[1]-hard. We also obtain a lower bound on the running time for solving the problem using the Exponential Time Hypothesis.


68Qxx Theory of computing


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