
Equilibrium spacetime correlations of the Toda lattice on the hydrodynamic scale. (English) Zbl 1538.82099

Summary: We report on molecular dynamics simulations of spacetime correlations of the Toda lattice in thermal equilibrium. The correlations of stretch, momentum, and energy are computed numerically over a wide range of pressure and temperature. Our numerical results are compared with the predictions from linearized generalized hydrodynamics on the Euler scale. The system size is \(N=3000,\, 4000\) and time \(t =600\), at which ballistic scaling is well confirmed. With no adjustable parameters, the numerically obtained scaling functions agree with the theory within a precision of less than 3.5%.


82M37 Computational molecular dynamics in statistical mechanics
82B23 Exactly solvable models; Bethe ansatz
82B30 Statistical thermodynamics
81V55 Molecular physics
37J35 Completely integrable finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, integration methods, integrability tests
37K60 Lattice dynamics; integrable lattice equations
82C20 Dynamic lattice systems (kinetic Ising, etc.) and systems on graphs in time-dependent statistical mechanics


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