
Optimal transport approximation of 2-dimensional measures. (English) Zbl 1524.65097

Summary: We propose a fast and scalable algorithm to project a given density on a set of structured measures defined over a compact 2D domain. The measures can be discrete or supported on curves, for instance. The proposed principle and algorithm are a natural generalization of previous results revolving around the generation of blue-noise point distributions, such as Lloyd’s algorithm or more advanced techniques based on power diagrams. We analyze the convergence properties and propose new approaches to accelerate the generation of point distributions. We also design new algorithms to project curves onto spaces of curves with bounded length and curvature or speed and acceleration. We illustrate the algorithm’s interest through applications in advanced sampling theory, nonphotorealistic rendering, and path planning.


65D18 Numerical aspects of computer graphics, image analysis, and computational geometry
49M15 Newton-type methods
49Q22 Optimal transportation
65D10 Numerical smoothing, curve fitting




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